Tracer gas measurement in an office. Spangasmatuingar i ett rontovsrum.

Reports on research project to study the effects of different methods of heating an office, temperature and draught conditions, ventilation efficiency and heat storage in joint structures. Gives test room digramatically and tracer gas concentration under different conditions, both during summer andwinter.

Tracer gas measurement. Spargasmatuing

Describes a variation of the conventional tracer gas measurement technique for measuring air change rates. Gives theoretical analysis of measurement results simulated with a computer for a complex system of six rooms where natural ventilation is measured in one case and fan-arrested ventilation in thesecond. Results from computer simulation are a measure of fresh air ventilation and not of a room's total air change rate. Diagrams illustrate assumed distribution under both conditions.

Preliminary investigation into ventilation efficiency. Forundersogelse vedrorende ventilationseffektivitet.

The primary aim of the project is to describe and document a measurement method suitable for checking whether minimum requirements for ventilation efficiency are fulfilled after a ventilation system has been regulated. The project concentrates on occupied areas with mechanical ventilation such as dwellings,offices and schools. Excludes industrial buildings since special conditions such as ventilation rates, polluting processes and local extraction apply to these. Defines ventilation efficiency, describes equipment and measurement with CO2, N2O, SF6, Kr85.

Tracer gas in the USA. Spargas i USA

Describes the use of SF6 tracer gas measurement techniques employed in airtightness and ventilation research at Princeton in terraced housing. Notes use of measurement results for constructing models describing the total adventitious ventilation in a house. Refers also to similar techniques used in research at Berkeley in single family dwellings.

Effect of energy conservation by controlled ventilation: case study in a department store.

The outdoor-air load in a large building uses 30-40% of the total cooling or heating energy. The report describes various ways of reducing the outdoor air-load in relation to the occupancy rate (persons/sq.m). Analysis (by computer simulation) was made of possible energy savings in a Tokyo department store through control of outdoor-air ventilation.

Energy saving effects in dwellings where measures have been implemented by governmental energy saving grants.

Presents the results from a comprehensive empirical investigation of 1144 swedish buildings in which energy conservation measures eligible for Government funding assistance have been undertaken.

Natural ventilation and energy consumption of dwellings.

Reports on an investigation concerning ventilation and energy conservation in dwellings, which was financed by the EEC and the Dutch Ministry for Housing and Public Works. Concludes that:< 1. In single family houses air flow through cracks and joints causes more ventilation then is required.< 2. Flats with more airtight construction provide better control of ventilation.< 3. The amount of wind protection plays a part as important as airtightness.< 4.

Applicability of a measuring method for determining the airtightness of houses. Toepassing en consequenties van een meetmethode voor de luchtdoorlatendheid van woningen.

As part of a study by the Building Research Foundation on control methods for the thermal quality of homes, research has been carried out into the usefulness and consequences of a measuring method for the determination of the the airtightness of houses. Airtightness measurements were carried out in sixhouses. Data on occurring ventilation was already available from other research. It appears that the pressurization test for the airtightness of houses can be used to determine the thermal quality of the home.

An investigation of technical and hygienic aspects of energy saving by reducing mechanical ventilation in a block of flats. Onderzoek naar de mogelijke energiebesparing en technische en hyienische aspekten van het verminderen van de mechanische ventilatie

Measurements were made of the apparent volume flows in the mechanical ventilation system of a block of flats, along with the expected energy arising from domestic ventilation. The aim was to see what energy saving could be obtained by reducing the mechanical ventilation in the block of flats. It was found that this depended on the reaction of the occupants. If they opened an extra vent light for a few hours per day, then the energy losses due toventilation were higher then before the reduction of the mechanical ventilation.

A method for the calculation of the improvement in thermal insulation provided by ventilated, as compared to unventilated, windows. Metod teplotekhnicheskogo rascheta ventiliruemykh okon.

An effective way of reducing the transmission flows through windows during the heating season is to use the air extracted from the room to ventilate the air space between the glazings. The heat transmission coefficient of a ventilated window is between two thirds and one third of that of an unventilated window, and the infiltration heat loss is less. Proposes analytical dependencies and graphs for the determination of the heat transfer coefficient and the temperatures of the panes as a function of the window construction and the heat transfer intensity.
