The contribution of the building fabric to energy conservation.

Reviews some of the cost effective techniques for energy conservation in new dwellings. Covers site layout and design, insulation of roofs, walls, doors and windows, ventilation control and control of condensation.

Air tightness and infiltration rates in houses.

Reports the results of investigations by researchers at the University of Osaka into the air tightness and infiltration rates in houses built with high levels of noise-reducing insulation.

Distribution of airborne pollution in ventilated buildings with stratified recirculating airflow. Forureningsfordeling i ventilerede lokalermed plan recirkulerende luftstromning

In many buildings the incoming ventilation air causes recirculating airflow. Diagrams show typical examples. The incoming air stream enters below the ceiling level and carries air from the building with it causing air movement greater than th

Ventilation of buildings. Luftung von Gebauden

Lists the factors in a building (condensation, comfort, heat loss etc) which are affected by ventilation, mechanical or natural. Treats the driving forces of air exchange in buildings. Describes the four basic flow phenomena involved in air e

Retrofitting existing homes for energy conservation: An economic analysis.

Examines the economic aspects of energy conservation techniques suitable for retrofitting into existing homes. Includes insulation, storm windows and doors, and weatherstripping. The object of this study is to determine that combination of techniques which will maximise net dollar savings in life-cycle operating costs for heating and cooling operations in existing homes, subject to specific climate conditions, fuel costs and retrofitting costs.

Thermography in detection of air leakages and thermal insulation defects in the building envelope. Infrapunakuvaus rakennuksen ulkovaipan lammoneristysvirheiden ja ilmavuotojen maarittamisessa.

The first part of the study describes thermography generally as a method for non-destructive testing of a building envelope for thermal and air tightness properties. The study has resulted in a two stage testing method of which pressurizing is an essential part. The field study has shown that thetwo-stage method is suitable in detection of air leakages, showing that the major part of thermal defects in the building envelope are due to air leakages.

Ventilation:British Guides

The ventilation recommendations set out by the British Standards Institute Code of Practice, the Building Research Station Advisory Papers, and CIBS are outlined.

Calculating energy utilization in residential housing.

The aim of this research effort was to develop a mathematical model and digital computer program for accurately calculating the energy required by residential housing units. This model was used to establish an accurate procedure for determining the monthly and seasonal energy requirements of alltypes of residential structures. The mathematical model and digital computer program developed were verified by extensive calculations and field measurements applied to nine residential dwelling units.
