Controlled ventilation air flow through the core of a building. Ulkoilman hallittu sisaanotto ulkovaipan kautta.

At the HPAC laboratory of the State Research Centre, supply air tests were conducted partly with a supply air window, partly with a porous, 0. 1m thick insulation above the window. The best results were obtained with low supply air velocities allowing the air to flow down close to the outside wall. Thetests with a supply air window of about 1m*1m showed that an upward air-flow between the panes gave better results then down- flow. The air distribution was improved with a guiding vane in front of the air-flow holes in the window frame.

Comparison of concentrations over 24 hours of SO2 and of dark smoke inside and outside a building as a function of its occupation. Comparaison des concentrations de 24h. de SO2 et des fumees noires a l'exterieur et a l'interieur d'un batiment en fonction

Measurements of dark smoke and SO2 concentration made inside and outside a school showed no significant difference in the case of smoke but SO2 concentrations indoors were only 71% of those outside. Holiday periods, when the buildings were unoccupied gave similar results to those periods when thepupils (non-smokers) were present.

Experience of the concentration of formaldehyde in indoor air in newly built schools. Erfahrungen uber Formaldehyd-Raumluftkonzentrationen in Schulneubauten.

Reports measurements of formaldehyde in four newly-built schools. In one school, one year after opening during the hot summer of 1976, concentrations of formaldehyde between 0.3 and 0.9ppm were measured. In another school the average concentration for almost all rooms was over the maximum for working places of 1ppm. The cause was emanation from ceiling and furniture and concentration depended on humidity, temperature and ventilation rate.

Indoor climate problems in Danish dwellings . Complaints and diseases referred to the type and materials of dwellings and the living habits.

Reports survey of indoor climate problems in dwellings. Questionnaires were distributed to 424 families who had complained of indoor climate problems and 240 replies were received. The questionnaires dealt with complaints relating to the dwellings and the age, profession, health and smoking habits of theoccupants. The dwellings are described by type, age, material of outer and interior walls, ceiling and floor. There are questions on ventilating habits, cleaning habits and occupants' views on dust, noise, odour, temperature, humidity and draughts.

Standard practice for measuring air leakage by the fan pressurization method.

This practice represents a standardized technique for measuring air leakage rates through a building envelope under controlled pressurization or evacuation, and is applicable to small temperature differentials and low-wind pressure conditions. It is primarily intended for use in one- story buildings.

Airtight houses and energy consumption.

The perfomance of single-family houses built to the new swedish building code was considered. In the code, the requirements for thermal insulation for different building sections were strengthened, and completely new requirements for a building`s airtightness were introduced. One site- built design acheived a estimated 1/3 reduction in energy consumption, but another less airtight factory-made house showed serious shortcomings in the indoor climate acheived.

The effects of energy efficient ventilation rates on indoor air quality at a California High School.

Reports measurements of indoor air quality in an air conditioned California High School over a range of ventilation rates, ranging from 13.3 cu.ft. of outside air per minute for each classroom occupant to approximately 1.5 cfm per occupant. Parameters measured include outside air supply rate, theoccupants' perception of indoor air quality, microbial burden, concentration of CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, O3 in two classrooms, a hall and outdoors.

What is ventilation efficiency?

Examines various definitions of ventilation efficiency. When using tracer gas techniques the definition of a ventilation system's efficiency can be based on the slope of the tracer gas curve, or the ratio between concentrations, or the area under the curve. Examines the consequences of these definitions for a simple theoretical model. Presents experimental measurements on a test room which show that sometimes very low ventilation efficiency can occur.

Frosting and leakage testing of air-to-air energy recovery systems.

Reports investigation of the limiting conditions that produce frosting on air-to-air heat exchangers. Also determines the adequacy of provisions for the prevention of frosting and ice buildup. Four types of heat exchanger were investigated as part of a more general investigation of the operating characteristics of air-to-air heat exchangers. Also reports investigation for various types of energy recovery systems of the cross leakage or contamination of the fresh air by the exhaust air.
