Survey of micromanometers.

Surveys instrumentation for measuring pressures from about 0.001 to 50mm. of mercury (0.13 to 6650 N/sq.m.) described in publications during the years 1960-1968. U-tube micromanometers and diaphragm - capacitance gages are treated in considerable detail. Also describes gas column manometers; elastic element micromanometer with optical, inductance, resistance wire, strain gage, and vacuum tube transducers; piston gages; vane gages and centrifugal micromanometers. Discusses measurement of dynamic pressure, atmospheric pressure oscillations, low vapour pressure, and calibration techniques.

Experimental study on the efficiency of mechanical ventilation in inhabited spaces. Etude experimentale sur l'efficacite de la ventilation mecanique controlee dans un local d'habitation.

Ventilation efficiency involves two aspects, to preserve thermal comfort, draughts should be avoided and yet one tries to obtain the best "sweeping out" which corresponds with a maximum exhaust of contaminants from the occupied zone for a given flow rate.< Reports study of 75 tests of ventilation efficiency made in a climatic roomrepresenting a heated living room. Thermal comfort was tested by measuring the air velocity both in the ventilation jet and in the occupied zone.

Energy saving measures for municipal and other office buildings.

This research report explores the possibilities for energy saving in municipal office buildings. It is based on a study carried out for one London borough in mid-1980`s taking one specific building complex, comprising two adjoining buildings, as an example. The energy-saving measures covered include reduction of air-change rates by draught- proofing windows doors and skylights, and the report indicates the scale of potential savings along with the capital costs.

Indoor pollutants.

The report was prepared, at the request of the Environmental Protection Agency by the Committee on Indoor Pollutants. It outlines the scope of the problems regarding indoor pollutants and discusses their sources, their effects on human health and welfare, the technologies available for their control or abatement, and concerns about the effects of energy-conservation strategies on indoor concentrations of pollutants. It approaches the subject of indoor pollution from three viewpoints: 1. Physical factors, such as indoor pollutant sources and concentrations. 2.

Wind loads on low buildings.

Reviews the important variables which need to be known when analyzing wind loads on low buildings. These include reference height, roof angle, end zones, internal pressures and openings, surrounding terrain and buildings.

Repairing older windows. Utbedring ev eldre vinduer.

Comments on the aesthetic aspects of window renovation and replacement and describes common forms of deterioration giving detailed suggestions for repair and for the improvement of air tightness and sound insulation.

The problem of radon and radon isotopes in housing.

Lists sources of radon and its isotopes in housing. Diagrams illustrate radon content as a function of air change rate. Estimates risk factors. Notes lack of coordinated national or international regulations. Relates number of lung cancer cases caused by radon to total recorded. States recommended maximum permissible concentrations.

Report on the air and water-tightness of wooden windows. Rapport sur l'etancheite a l'air et a l'eau des fenetres en bois.

Discusses standards and testing procedures for window air and water tightness. Describes apparatus used at the Technical Centre for Wood. Gives brief results of airtightness tests on 70 windows of different types subjected to a pressure of 10mm of water and of water tightness tests on 40 windows. Describes a test wall, designed to enable "hurricane" tests to be made. Appendices giveinformation on precipitation in France and discuss water-proofing products.

6 Low energy houses at Hjortakaer.

Describes the six low-energy prototype houses constructed by the Low-Energy Project of the Danish Ministry of Commerce. Occupation of the houses is being simulated for approximately 18 months. Gives photograph, floor plan and description for each house.

A comparison of products for reducing heat loss through windows.

Notes that in addition to multiple glazing and storm windows there is a wide range of insulating options available. These products include blinds, shutters, plastic films and shades. Briefly discusses the different products. Gives tables of systems showing manufacturers and performance data.
