Health risks from airborne pollution. Halsorisker till foljd av luftburna fororeningar.

Air pollution from combustion of fossil fuels can be injurious to health causing damages to air passages. Discusses health risks caused by radon emission in houses. Tables illustrate expected effects of exposure todifferent pollutants, causes of death, 15 years cumulative mortality data, mortality distribution comparison between UK and Sweden, risk of lung cancer caused by radon exposure, and effects on health caused by energy saving methods.

Formaldehyde in the home atmosphere. Formaldehyd i boligluft.

During the period 1973-76, measurements in housing where particle board is used as a building material have revealed a reduction in the formaldehyde content of the indoor atmosphere from 0.64 to 0.40 mg/cu.m. under standard indoor climatic conditions. A corresponding although slighter reduction in therelease of formaldehyde from particle board was found under controlled conditions in climatic chambers. Suggests these improvements in the quality of particle board will suffice to fulfill the proposed limit of 0.40 mg/cu.m.

The mobile window thermal test facility (MoWiTT).

The heat transfer characteristics of a window system are generally specified by three static measurements; winter U-value, shading coefficient and air infiltration. Outlines methods for measuring these three values. Describes the mobile window test facility, designed to test windows under real weather conditions. The facility consists of a portable test building which can rotate about a central point.The building contains four test rooms with a guard room on each end. Describes the instrumentation and test methods. Construction of the MoWiTT facility is planned for late 1980.

Sealants - their properties and performance.

Caulks and sealants are used to fill and seal joints, in order to prevent draughts and the intrusion of rain and dust. There are two types of joints; non-working joints in which there is little or no movement of the joined parts, and working joints which are designed to allow movement. Discusses for each type of joint, factors to consider when selecting a sealant and suitable types of material.

The reduction of ventilation heat loss by porosity.

By observing animal housing in severely cold conditions it was realised that an airtight building with mechanical ventilation did not provide the optimum solution, but better results were obtained from porous buildings. Reports aninvestigation made on a large model building simulating the humidity and temperature conditions in animal housing during winter. The model had a porous ceiling of flax straw.

Chipboard is not the only cause of formaldehyde nuisance. Spaanplat is niet de enige oorzaak van hinder door formaldehyde.

Elucidates many different aspects of formaldehyde occurrence, such as, comparable indoor air pollutants, complaints and investigations, coherence with ventilation rate and construction, chipboard types, qualities and prices, differing European directives on board composition, chipboard in cold and warm types of flat roofs.

Natural and mechanical ventilation rates in a detached house : measurements.

Presents results of measurements of ventilation rates in the SEGAS test house. Describes the house and its heating and mechanical ventilation systems. Measurements of ventilation rates were made using helium as a tracer gas. Tests were made both with the house sealed to block obvious paths of infiltration and with it unsealed. Tests were also made with the house mechanically ventilated and with supply and extract systems working. Presents results of tests and examines the effect of variation in mean wind speed on ventilation rates.

Methods of measuring ventilation rates and leakage of houses.

Describes methods used at ECRC for measuring the ventilation rate in houses. Two tracer gas methods are used, the decay method and the constant concentration method. Measurements have been made using both nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide as tracer gases. Also describes test of air leakage made by pressurizing the entire house. Gives for each method a detailed description of the measurement technique.

Development of a standard test facility for evaluation of all types of air-to-air energy recovery systems.

Describes the development and qualification of a test facility for providing a uniform method for testing all types of HVAC air-to-air energy recovery systems. Describes test method. The facility can be used to test coil-loop (closed run-around) heat exchangers, twin-tower (open run-around) enthalpy type exchangers, heat pipe exchangers and plate type exchangers with air flowrates of up to 1900 l/s.

Promise and potential of air-to-air energy recovery systems.

Describes and discusses the principles, advantages and disadvantages of several types of air-to-air energy recovery devices, including the open and closed run-around systems; the heat pipe exchanger; the thermal wheel and the heat exchanger. Places emphasis on the potential energy savings in heating and cooling equipment and fuel costs by recovering energy from exhaust air before it is thrown away. Results indicate annual energy savings of up to 23% with even larger savings in the size of the heating and cooling equipment.
