Building envelope performance testing.

Discusses use of an instrumented energy audit, as opposed to a walk-through audit. Describes use of the audit to pinpoint infiltration sites. Method used is to depressurize a building and use thermography to locate air leaks. Briefly describes equipment and gives example of an instrumented audit of a residential building. States advantage of instrumented audit is that it gives a quantitative energy analysis as opposed to a qualitative one.

Study of the internal climate in selected rooms of a Berlin school. Studie uber raumklimatische Umbegungsbedingungen in ausgewahlten Raumen eines Berliner Mittelstufenzentrums.

Reports findings of investigations carried out by West German Federal Ministry of Health in July 1978 into the internal climate in the one third of the rooms in a representative West Berlin school which are located in the building core. These rooms have mechanical ventilation and artificial lighting. Gives results of measurements of room temperatures, air change rates, (measured using N2O as a tracer gas), concentration of carbon dioxide and acoustic performance of the rooms.

Reducing the requirements for ventilation heat through natural ventilation of buildings by use of air permeable porous outside walls. Verringerung des Luftungswarmebedarfs bei naturlicher Luftung von Gebauden durch Verwendung luftdurchlassigkeit poroser A

Calculations show that natural ventilation exploiting wind and specific gravity differences may reduce the need for ventilation heat. This is not done as usual by ventilation through open doors and windows but through fine porous air-permeable outside walls. The optimum thickness of the heat insulation layer is defined, giving maximum saving of total heating and ventilation energy.

Windproofing, air tightness and load-bearing properties in structures with plasterboard. Gipsskivor - nagra tekniska aspekter pa energibesparing.

It has been shown by Bankvall that forced convection reduces the efficiency of thermal insulation considerably. The reductions can become drastic if the inner skin is not airtight. The leakage around a switch or junction box issufficient. The material in the windproofing skin must be sufficiently impermeable. If complicated joints are to be avoided it must retain its dimensions in varying humidity. If the inner skin is not tight caulking or taping the joints in a plasterboard skin halves the leakage.

Modified anemometers for indoor climate research.

An anemometer which was developed for indoor climate research has been modified in order to get the same shape of calibration curve for each anemometer. Experiments in a wind tunnel showed that this was the case for more than 80% of a test series of the modified anemometers. The time constant has increased but is still acceptable. Calibration curves and time constants could be predicted by calculation with reasonable accuracy. Some influence of dust particles on the instrument was noticed.

The use of heat exchangers for energy recovery in thermotechnical installations. Impiego degli scambiatori di calore per il recupero dell'energia negli impianti termotecnici.

After a general preliminary discussion of the meaning of "heat recovery" and possible systems for carrying it out, the author examines the possible different ways of transferring thermal energy from one fluid to another by means of an indirect heat exchanger. Air-to-air systems are in particular analyzed, examining the operating features of the various exchange types(rotating, fixed plate, multiple tower and finned tube exchangers). The paper concludes with a series of considerations on both energetic and economic aspects of thermal energy recovery.

Residential air pollution levels: Observation and data interpretation.

The indoor air quality of five detached dwellings, two townhouses, six apartment units, two mobile homes, one school and one hospital have been monitored. The pollutants monitored were CO, NO, NO2, SO2, O3, CH4, CO2 and total hydrocarbons. Reports results and describes a mathematical model developed to predict indoor concentrations of these pollutants. Briefly discusses the effect of energy conserving measures on indoor air pollution.

Problems in commercial and industrial ventilation.

Briefly reviews factors to be taken into account in considering natural ventilation in commercial and industrial buildings. These factors include the location of the building, surrounding buildings, activity within the building and results required of the installation. Notes some of the problems andpossible advantages of combining natural and fan powered systems.

Indoor air pollution.

Indoor concentrations of pollutants often equal or exceed outdoor concentrations, and since most people spend 90% of their time indoors this constitutes a health threat much greater than that posed by outdoor pollution, which has received most of the attention in the U.S.A. The problem has been made worse by energy conservation measures which reduce ventilation. Thisarticle reviews recent research findings and their implications for pollution control programmes, and considers the further research that is needed.

Natural ventilation in the modern hospital.

Assesses the role of natural ventilation in modern hospitals. Considers optimum standards of air change rates for winter and summer conditions and reviews factors within the hospital context that are likely to affect the achievement of natural ventilation. Notes an air change rate of 1.5/hr. is usually assumed for heat loss calculation. Finds cross ventilation is unlikely to be achieved and designs should be based on single sided ventilation. Reports tracer gas measurements of natural ventilation in Southland Hospital, Shoreham by Sea.
