On the relationship between ventilation and condensation protection of buildings. Zum zusammenhang zwischen Luftung und Feuchtigkeitsschutz von Gebauden.

Treats drawbacks of current methods used in East Germany of calculating vapour barriers used to protect building elements from condensation. Notes building materials for which moisture absorbed in winter is sufficient to cause condensation damage before it has diffused in summer. Develops method based on calculation model of determining direct relation between any period of condensation and requisite vapour barriers. In addition amount of wateraccumulated during condensation period can also be determined.

The Ulvsunda project - energy saving in existing housing.

Reports results of a project to assess energy conservation measures in a group of typical three-storey, naturally ventilated, blocks of flats, built in 1940 in Stockholm. The measures were:< 1) Improvement of boiler efficiency< 2) Weatherproofing of windows and doors< 3) Adjustment of the heating system and reduction of indoor temperature< 4) Additional insulation of attic floor<5) Additional insulation of external walls< Discusses the energy conservation effect and profitability of each measure.

Natural wind effects on the infiltration of low-rise buildings.

Reports experimental measurements carried out in a boundary layer wind tunnel at the University of Western Ontario. Both external and internal pressures on two different models were measured with different porosities for the walls. Discusses results and concludes that mean internal pressures measured in thewind tunnel agree well with analytically predicted values that accurate evaluation of internal pressures is necessary to calculate building air infiltration.

A wind tunnel study of the mean pressure forces acting on large groups of low-rise buildings.

Presents the results of a series of wind tunnel tests in which the surface pressure fields of low-rise buildings have been studied. These tests start with an examination of how the body shape influences the surface pressures for a range of isolated bodies. The test results then go on to describe how theparameters which describe an array of such model buildings influence the surface pressures.

Condensation and how to avoid it.

This sixteen-page digest provides a guide to why condensation occurs in buildings and how to avoid it. Outlines causes of condensation problems in buildings.Gives 9 case studies. Discusses physical principles of moisture transfer. Describes vapour sources in buildings. Outlines ways of reducing thecondensation risk in buildings. Gives methods for predicting when condensation will occur.

The airtightness of a sound-proof dwelling house and its ventilation plan.

Reports investigation of the air quality in a sound-insulated dwelling house. Measurements of ventilation rate and concentrations of CO, CO2, and NO2 were measured in a tight sound-insulated dining-kitchen, with and without the operation of a gas range, instantaneous hot-water heater and ventilation fan. Finds that natural ventilation was inadequate when the gas appliances were operating and recommends that an instantaneous gas hot-water heater should be provided with an exclusive air exhauster.

The thermal and ventilative properties of dwellings in Hokkaido.

Describes the thermal and ventilative properties of some older dwellings and the latest test dwelling in Hokkaido. Results include the following.< 1) The above mentioned older dwellings suffer a great heat loss by ventilation and conduction. Therefore such dwellings must be retrofitted.< 2) The airtight dwelling is in danger of condensation due to high humidity.< 3) In the future, the heat recovery system should be used in the airtight dwelling to get rid of high humidity and to increase the supply of fresh air.

Infiltration and indoor air temperature and moisture variation in a detached residence.

Presents a long term calculation method for indoor air temperature and moisture variation related to the water vapour condensation problem in a detached residence. In this method, the multi-room infiltration calculation is developed. Furthermore the effect of sorption and description of a room, which is evaluated by means of a short term experiment, is introduced.

Design of ventilation systems in low infiltration detached house.

The air-tightness of various houses is revealed by testing with the pressurization method, and the equivalent open area of air infiltration per floor area is proposed as the index of air-tightness of a house.< Then the heating system, indoor air quality, indoor temperature and humidity and house planning which affect the ventilation design are discussed in connection with the air-tightness of a house.
