Determination of the radon emanation from carbonate rocks and its potential hazard in building materials.

Gives details of a method for determining the amount of radon emanating from a carbonate rock specimen. Analysis was first made with rock in solid form. An essay was then made with the material containing radium in a clear acid solution.< Discusses the need for the analysis of building material causing any type of abnormally high background variation. Outlines laws covering the buildup and decay of radon.

A shelterbelt study - relative shelter, effective winds and maximum efficiency.

Reports daily run-of-wind measurements, made for 3 years at distances of 3.5 h and 7 h to leeward of a 7-row shelterbelt about 6m.high. After elimination of variations in wind direction, the monthly values of relative shelter at these positions showed no evidence of an increase with time. The variations in wind direction were eliminated by regressions of monthly values of relative shelter on the monthly percentage frequency of effective winds, i.e. winds from the normal windward side of the shelterbelt.

Radon daughters in mine atmospheres - field method for determining concentrations.

Presents a new concept of describing the tolerance level of radon daughters. This concept is in terms of the alpha-energy dose resulting from the complete decay of the daughters. Describes a rapid field method for determining atmospheric concentrations of radon daughters in terms of Mev of alpha energy/liter. No attempt has been made to set a maximum allowable concentration for radon and/or its daughters. Should an M.A.C.

Air leakage characteristics of some brick and concrete block walls.

Presents the air leakage characteristics obtained from measurements of nine brick and concrete block walls in the DBR/NRC huts at Ottawa and Saskatoon. The leakage characteristics of the first three walls were obtained in the Saskatoon test huts - the remainder were obtained in the Ottawa huts. All thetest huts had an overall plan area of approximately 6 ft. by 6 ft. The effects of fill-insulation and different surface finishes were determined.

Weathertight windows and doors.

States that concern for weathertightness requirements for windows has increased recently. Discusses standard methods for testing air leakage and rain penetration of windows. Illustrates some general findings on air leakage. Discusses relationship between air leakage and rain penetration. Outlines characteristics of leakage through doors.

Heat pumps for domestic ventilation systems. Luftungswarmepumpe for Wohngebaude.

Improved levels of thermal insulation for dwellings in W.Germany have substantially reduced thermal transmission losses, so that ventilation heat loss has become much more important component of total building heat demand. Amount of heat appears important enough to justify considering heat recovery from ventilation air residential buildings. Describes 3 examples of exhaust air recovery from flats in an apartment building. Provides details of air change rates.

Wall/roof junctions and soffits.

Air leakage through the junction between wall and roof of a building can cause damage from excess dampness. Discusses in detail the problem of constructing atight wall/roof junction for different forms of roof construction. describes installation of roof membrane and vapour barrier.< Also describes problem of air infiltration through uninsulated soffits. Outlines various solutions.

Experimental characterisation of ventilation systems in buildings.

Reports experiments using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas to obtain quantitative data on actual residence time distributions in rooms and hallways and contamination caused by reentry of laboratory fume hood exhausts into a building. Defines a factor k which gives a measure of the mixing of fresh withstale air in part of a room. Measured values of k varied from 0.3 to 0.7 insmall rooms without fans. Discusses two experiments to find the amount of exhaust fumes reentering the ventilation system of a building.

Wall thermography

Describes use of thermography by Fishburn Thermography group ltd. Outlines use of camera and isotherm function. Suggests use of thermography for the detection in walls of heat losses, thermal bridging, wet or inadequate insulation, air infiltration and other defects.

A spire array for generating thick turbulent shear layers for natural wind simulation in wind tunnels

Investigates use of an array of spires, located at the entrance to the working section of a conventional wind tunnel, as a means of generating thick shear layers with properties similar to those of the neutrally-stable atmospheric wind. Compares data obtained in the shear layers created by sucharrays of spires with some available atmospheric data. Modifications to thespire design and a range of spire sizes have been tested and the resulting shear layer properties compared.
