The natural ventilation of tall office buildings.

Reports study of the natural ventilation in elementary tall office buildings has been made using the analogy between the flow of air through a building and the passage of an electric current through a circuit of resistances. The prime motive forces, those of wind pressure and stack effect are detailed, and experimental values for these and other parameters related to the building are outlined.

The reduction of airborne radon daughter concentration by plateout on an air mixing fan.

Reports a series of experiments made in the U.S. Bureau of Mines radon test chamber to study the effects of condensation nuclei, humidity and turbulence on the rapid deposition or plateout of radon daughter activity on the chamber walls. Under low humidity conditions the presence of a small fan reduced the working level by 41%. The activity was not deposited on the walls by the turbulent flow from the fan but actually became attached to the fan blades. High relative humidity (>80%) totally inhibited this observed effect.

The measurement of low concentrations of radon-222 daughters in air with emphasis on RaA assessment.

Reviews methods for the measurement of the activity concentrations of radon-222 daughters in air. Describes method which enables activity concentrations as low as 0.05 pc i/l of ra a to be measured with simple readily transportable equipment. The method presented here also measures RaB (214 Pb) and RaC (214Bi) activity concentrations and working levels with improved precision compared with established methods.

Net annual heat loss factor method for estimating heat requirements of buildings.

Presents method for estimating the heat requirements of buildings. The method is based on the ASHRAE degree day method with modifications to take into account a) solar radiation incident on a building surface, b) variation of solar energy gained through windows, c) variation of air infiltration withwind speed and inside-outside temperature difference and d) heat generated by inside activity, such as lights, people etc.< Gives sample calculation for a house and compares with calculation by ASHRAE method.

Air leakage measurements in a mobile home.

Reports air leakage measurements made in a mobile home using sulphur hexafluoride as a tracer gas. The home was located in an environmental chamber where it was possible to measure and control the temperature outside the home. The effect on infiltration rate of inside-outside temperature difference, simulated wind, installation of storm windows, opening of doors and operation of the furnace for was investigated. Also reports pressurization measurements which showed that the installation of storm windows had little effect on air leakage.

Energy conservation and indoor air pollution

Presents model of indoor pollution that assumes a linear relation between indoor pollutant levels and the air change rate. Discusses effect of heating system and cooking on pollutant levels and ventilation rate. The model predicts that when air change rate is reduced 4-fold, heating systems pollutant contributions can still rise up to 3-fold despite the saving in energy from reducing ventilation. Suggests precautions are necessary when tightening building envelope. Recommends that pilot lights be eliminated and effective kitchen ventilation systems installed.

Human disease from radon exposures. the impact of energy conservation in residential buildings.

Gives general discussion of sources of radon gas and its daughter products. Reviews measurements made of radon concentrations in air. Outlines control strategies for limiting radon in buildings.

Heating system-generated indoor air pollution

Heating systems may emit pollutants into living spaces of buildings. Presents model for estimating exposure to pollutants allowing for variation of air change rate and inside-outside temperature differences. Examines the effect of energy conservation measures. Concludes that if ventilation alone is reduced the pollutant concentrations will rise but if reduced ventilation is balanced by increased insulation then pollutant contributions will remain unchanged. The analysis applies only to pollutants generated by the heating system.

Measurements of ionising radiation doses in dwellings in Poland. Pomiary promieniowania jonizujacego w niektorych budynkach mieszkalnych wPolsce

A portable background gamma-radiation dosimeter with a high-pressure ionization chamber was designed. The gamma background radiation dose rate and radon concentration in the air of the 97 new flats were measured. The flats were selected in the houses of the experimental settlement in Suzewiec (quarter of Warsaw), of three settlements of Kodz, and of five settlements of the upper silesian industrial area. For the construction of these settlements building materials typical for new constructions in Poland were used, such as products derived from metallurgical wastes like slag or boiler ash.

The relative radioactivity of building materials

Reports measurements of concentrations of thorium, potassium, uranium radium, and relative radioactivity of building materials used in the United Kingdom. Gives table of results. Examines in particular calcined gypsum prepared as a by product in the manufacture of superphosphate fertilizers. Discusses the relationship between radium concentration and gamma-ray dose rate
