Practical methods of reducing airborne contaminants in interior spaces.

Air contaminants include all gases, vapours, liquid droplets and solids, including microogranisms of small size that can be dispersed in air and that are unwanted. Contaminants can be removed by dilution of the air, by deposition of particles on surfaces or by reaction with other materials in air or in space (such as furnishings).< This article discusses in general terms the reduction of contaminants and gives equations of concentrations of contaminants after time t. Discusses types of filters and their effectiveness.

Standards for natural radioactive substances in building materials. K voprosu o normirovanii soderzhaniya estestvennykh radioaktivnykh veshchestu v stroitel'nykh materialakh.

Discusses mechanisms for radon liberation in dwellings. Mentions survey which found radon concentrations exceeding the maximum permissable concentration of 3 x 10^-12 curies in 13 of the 65 dwellings. Gives expressions for number of radon atoms in indoor air at time t and activity due to radon per unit volume. Discusses liberation of radon from walls and from soil and concludes that if the ventilation is poor or if there is a high emanation of radon, the indoor radon concentration may approach the maximum permissable level.

Energy consumption of residential buildings

Users' manual and documentation connected with computer program ENCORE. Program is based on weighting factor method. Provides general description of input data, building location and shape, heating system and building use.Describes in more detail standard output, error messages and warnings. Provides examples concerning warm-air heated house and house with electric space heating system. supplied detailed documentation of subroutines.

Assessment of airborne radon daughter concentrations in dwellings in Great Britain.

Calculations of the activity concentration of RaA (218 Po) in the air within living rooms and in the outside air were made at 87 dwellings in England and Scotland. From these measurements together with a determination of the ventilation rate existing in the room at the time of the measurements, the rate at which 222 Rn is emanating from room surfaces into room air in pci/l/h can be calculated.

Leakage of cold-room walls. Ondichtheden in de wanden van koude ruimten.

Recommends method for determination of extra heat and moisture load of a cold room resulting from leakages through chinks, cracks and porosity. Recommends clause on maximum leakage in delivery conditions. Treats internal and outdoor influences on air exchange, leakage detection and leakage measuring methods.

Ventilation rates

Treats investigations in office building where 1) flow rates of supply air, return air and ventilation between main office area and adjacent rooms were measured with an anemometer. Return air rates remained constant but ventilation rates varied widely during measurement periods. 2) CO2 was used as tracer gas to determine ventilation rates in offices. Calculates alterations in gas concentrations in rooms adjacent to stairwell and changes in outdoor air concentrations. During air conditioning, ventilation rates in the room were 4-5 room air changer per hour.

Natural ventilation of single family houses. Ventilation naturelle des maisons individuelles

Reports the results of three programmes of measurements of ventilation carried out in one-family houses, which in most cases were of the 'council house' type. The first programme measured ventilation rates using tracer gasin two houses room by room. Wind speed and direction were recorded but no general relation between ventilation and wind was found. The second measured ventilation rate in individual rooms in a house under six different wind conditions. The third measured ventilation rates in three identical homes.

Ventilation of dwellings and its disturbances

Treats importance of keeping uncontrolled ventilation to a minimum in buildings equipped with balanced ventilation. Provides theoretical and experimental description of leakage of air past windows. Includes comparison between standards of different countries. Discusses effect on building ventilation of variations of wind and outdoor temperature. Considers in conclusion measurement of air flows between rooms in a building. Describes development of tracer gas method based on computer-assisted evaluation.

Ventilation in small house Ventilation i smahus : kunskapsbrist minskar energispdrandet

Discusses actual ventilation rates in small houses and the requirements of Swedish building regulations. States that regulations do not take a total view of the energy balance in small houses, and pay no regard to the interplay between different forces.< Discusses a newly built 1.5 storey house as an example. Outlines problems in ensuring a low air change rate.

Natural radiation in the urban environment.

Summarizes previous work on natural background radiation levels and reports some new data from Boston Mass.
