TN 45: Air-to-Air Heat Recovery in Ventilation

Discusses the issues which influence the performance of heat recovery devices within typical building applications. It is intended to cover the three main types if devices installed in ventilation systems in residential and commercial buildings, which are run-around coils, plate heat exchangers and thermal wheels (rotary regenerators). Other systems such as heat pipes are also described briefly.

TN 44: Numerical Data for Air Infiltration and Natural Ventilation Calculations (replaced by Guide GU05)

Organisations in many countries have contributed data to the AIVC to establish a unique collection of numerical data suitable for design purposes and model evaluation. By combining information from these multiple sources, it is possible to consider a far wider range of operating conditions than would be possible by using the results from a single set of measurements alone. The analysis presented in the report is in three sections covering component leakage data, whole building leakage data and wind pressure evaluation.

TN 43: Ventilation and building airtightness: an international comparison of standards, codes of practice and regulations. (replaced by TN55)

The purpose of this comparison of specified airtightness and ventilation rates is to provide a reference document for all those involved in ventilation and building research. It summarises available airtightness and minimum ventilation rate requirements in the AIVC's Member Countries. It also examines a number of indoor air quality standards. Certain analyses have also been included, whenever uniformity of standards permits.

TN 42: Current Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems and Strategies

The aim of this study is to examine common ventilation and air conditioning systems and strategies for both domestic and commercial buildings in the member countries of the AIVC. To help identify common systems, a literature search was conducted and the system descriptions of two professional institutions and one commercial supplier were examined. This led to the establishment of a common classification of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

TN 41: Infiltration data from the Alberta Home Heating Research Facility.

The infiltration data set covers December 1990 to October 1991 from Reference Unit #5 at the Alberta Home Heating Research Facility (AHHRF) with a total of 6063 hours of data. The facility is made up of six permanent test houses, five of which are built to residential wood frame construction standards with a sixth house of masonry construction. The six unoccupied test houses have been continuously monitored since 1980 for building envelope energy losses and ventilation rates.

TN 40: An Overview of Combined Modeling of Heat Transport and Air Movement

A fundamental objective of this report is to investigate the techniques used in the design and research fields for the evaluation of thermal and airflow simulations. The scope is restricted to the whole building rather than flow and heat transfer within individual structural elements (e.g. cavity walls). Considerable developments are taking place in the field of air flow and thermal simulation. Rather than present an in-depth study of these developments, this report concentrates on the rather more general aspects of the combined simulation.

TN 39: A Review of Ventilation Efficiency

The report begins by reviewing some basic questions about ventilation efficiency. The subject is then presented in greater detail and finally an example of the prediction of ventilation efficiency in an office enclosure is given. Emphasis is given to the range of applicability and limitations of ventilation efficiency methods.

TN 37: A Strategy for Future Ventilation Research and Application

The impact of ventilation on energy use can be considerable. Total building energy use is variously estimated to account for 30% of all energy consumed in International Energy Agency countries. Of this, as much as 50% can be associated with ventilation and air infiltration. As living standards throughout the world improve, it may be expected that building occupants will demand ever-increasing standards of comfort. This will inevitably result in increased demand on building energy use and further heighten concerns over global pollution.

TN 36: Air Infiltration and Ventilation Glossary

The glossary provides the definition of 250 terms related to air infiltration and ventilation. The intention of the document is to promote a more uniform use of terms in the area of ventilation.
The Glossary consists of main terms with definitions followed by any subsidiary terms. The main terms are in alphabetic order.
The basic entry has the following format:
Minimum Ventilation Requirement
