
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Deals with the problems of open building passages and tunnel like entrances caused by thermal influences and wind currents. Shows advantages of air screening, especially where high pressure differences occur.
Detzer R., Gersch D.
After a brief treatment of the ideas and aspects that play a role in ventilation, gives a general outline of chosen investigation methods, with a concise review of apparatus and calculation models used.
De Gids W F.
There have been considerable efforts to estimate risks to health from the present level of indoor air quality.
Inhaber H.
The Department of Building Technology, the Technological Institute of Copenhagen, have for several years been developing equipment for continuous measurement of air infiltration.
Kvisgaard B., Collet P F., Kure J.
States that current building regulations on ventilation are very inadequate. Describes the Scottish Development Department document The future of building control in Scotland.
Atkinson G.
Describes expectations people have of indoor climate. Notes that the quality of indoor climate has often taken second place to fashionable architectural and material considerations.
Nordic Committee on Building Regulations
Sources of radon and the high levels of radon in many locations and building materials in Sweden are considered.
Erikson B E.
Discusses the symptoms and compaints of the occupants of unhealthy buildings. Compares the availability and sensitivity of building sensors to human sensitivity for the full fange of indoor air contaminants.
Stolwijk J.
Shows the results of a study of the effects of turbulence upon ventilation. Controlled fluctuating air flows were directed upon openings in the side of acube simulating a building.
Describes the housing development comprising 224 apartments in three courtyards built in 1908.
Brunner C U. et al
Describes a simple device which pressurises an enclosed volume of air adjacent to individual components in the building fabric. The air flow through the crackage is measured and the interdependence of the flow rate and pressure is examined.
McGrath P T., Howarth A T.
Within the last ten years, energy shortages, economic pressures, and changes in indoor environmental requirements have resulted in buildings that are more energy efficient but less forgiving, environmentally. These results indicate that energ
Woods J E.
Describes a novel modification of stroboscopic illumination used to give an unambiguous record of the direction of the flow in an otherwise conventional visualisation of a complex three dimensional air flow.
Hampshire R G.
The U.S. EPA initiated an indoor air monitoring program in 1982, concentrating on commercial or public-access buildings (homes for the elderly, schools, and office buildings). Several buildings from each category are sampled over 2-3 day peri
Wallace L. et al
Describes the pollutant burdens on indoor air. Notes heat exchanges by air renewal and associated heat losses. Examines how to determine the required air change rate.
Hernot D., Porcher G.
Notes that the Department of the Environment is considering the implications of imposing limits for the maximum annual dose of radiation to which occupants of existing and new homes should be exposed, as recommended by the Royal Commission on Envi
Matthews R.
Notes that moisture problems could arise with improvements to thermal insulation of buildings. In addition indoor radon levels could rise. Considers the choice of heating system. Compares total costs of alternative systems.
Batty W J. et al
The problem of radon emission in buildings first came to light at the end of the 1970s, when a report by the Swedish National Institute of Radiation Protection revealed high radon daughter concentrations in some houses.
Hildingson O.
The problem of indoor air pollution has many facets, ranging from excess humidity, mould and insects over emissions from gas boilers to high levels of various chemicals in tight buildings.
Fischer M.
