
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Part of an extensive research programme being carried out also in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. Describes 75 window tests and gives diagrams of air flow and rain penetration apparatus.
Svendson S.D. Wigen R.
Describes method of measuring air flow in mines using nitrous oxide as a tracer gas. Examines two methods of measuring airflow, releasing a continuous stream of a gas and releasing a known quantity of gas.
Higgins J. Shuttleworth S.E.H.
Describes test rig used to measure air leakage through a metal framed window. Gives average of results of leakage for different air pressure. Finds leakage rate of 20 cu. ft/h/ft for air velocity of 30 m.p.h.
Mantle K.G.
Reports tests of air leakage of windows, made in a wind tunnel. Six different windows were tested, five were of the same design with different manufacturers and materials;two steel, one wood, one aluminium and one cast iron.
Esdorn H.
Wind tunnel test conducted on a scale model of a classroom show that, provided the test air speed is kept in excess of about 3mph, it is feasible to use models for predicting, with good accuracy, the air-flow conditions in and around full-scale bu
Wannenburg J.J. Van Straaten J.F.
Reports investigation of air infiltration in two residences using helium as a tracer gas. Describes the residences, instrumentation and test procedure. Gives results of decay rate of tracer gas and measured infiltration rates.
Bahnfleth D.R. Moseley T.D. Harris W.S.
Examines dependence of measured infiltration rates on wind speed, indoor/ outdoor temperature difference and pressure difference. Gives results in form of graphs of measured values.
Bahnfleth D.R. Moselely T.D. Harris W.S.
Gives formula for calculating air-change-rate from decay rate of a tracer gas. Discusses different tracer gases and detecting instruments. Describes portable meter used to measure the concentration of helium.
Coblentz C.W. Achenbach P.R.
Briefly discusses wind-pressure on buildings. Derives equations for air-flow in a building without internal walls caused by wind pressure from perpendicular and oblique wind.
Krischer O. Beck H.
The pressure drop and flow characteristics of short capillary tubes have been investigated experimentally for length-to-diameter ratios varying from 0.45 to 18 at diameter Reynolds numbers ranging from 8 to 1500. In the range of the dime
Kreith, F., Eisenstadt, R.
The wind pressures on a building can be decreased by a shelter hedge. Gives results of wind tunnel tests which show how this shelter effect depends on the distance between hedge and house, and on the wind direction.
Blenk H. Tienes H.
Presents a new concept of describing the tolerance level of radon daughters. This concept is in terms of the alpha-energy dose resulting from the complete decay of the daughters.
Kusnetz H.L.
Reviews qualities desirable in a tracer gas for the measurement of ventilation rates in buildings. Reports experiments in which radioactive argon was used to measure the ventilation rate in a room.
Collins B.G. Smith D.B.
Reviews work done on the physical and biological effects of wind-breaks and shelter-belts, outlining main results. Discusses reduction in mean speed of wind, turbulence produced by shelter-belt, shading and humidity.
Gloyne R.W.
Describes a method for the investigation of ventilation rate in mechanically ventilated closed rooms.
Willax H.A. Maier-Leibnitz H.
Natural ventilation of inhabited rooms is studied with regard to its dependence on wind velocity and temperature difference between the interior of buildings and outside air.
Georgii H-W.
The amount of air leakage through window gaps in buildings depends on the width and length of the gaps, the pressures across the buildings and the resistances in the air circuit.
Thomas D.A. Dick J.B.
Considers the characteristics of flow through small gaps. Discusses relation between wind tunnel measurements and actual wind pressure on buildings and the effect of building shape on ventilation.
Van der Held E.F.M.
This report describes research undertaken to investigate the various factors affecting the air infiltration through windows.
Lund, C. E.; Peterson, W. T.;
