
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

The AIVC website includes a protected content feature that provides access to AIRBASE. Access to the protected content is free of charge but requires you to register first.

Parametric analysis is a powerful method for exploring alternative design options and establishing variable dependency therefore design guide.
Yi Zhang
With the current focus on energy performance certification, factors such as increased and unstable fuel prices and consequent heating and electrical costs as well as the large number of buildings that are going to require energy analysis, a real n
Malcolm C Murray, Neil Finlayson, Michaël Kummert, John Macbeth
Building designers need design tools that enable them to rapidly explore the energy performance implication of early design decisions.
William O’Brien, Andreas Athienitis, Ted Kesik
This paper proposes a set of principles for an international database of building materials that would meet Quality Criteria for use in building performance simulation.
Michael Donn, Drury Crawley, Jon Hand, Andrew Marsh
In this study we are investigating the urban environment, including complicated social dynamics, as the “urban system”.
Tomohiro TAKAI, Toshiyuki WATANABE, Yasunori AKASHI, Masato MIYATA, Tadahide SUGITA and Ayu TERACHI
Building energy and Carbon emission calculation methods for regions are of limited use if appropriate input data cannot be economically generated.
D.K. Alexander, S. Lannon, O. Linovski
This paper discusses the present status and implementation of a new energy model that is used for evaluating the impact of new technologies when they are applied to the Canadian housing stock (CHS).
Lukas Swan, V. Ismet Ugursal and Ian Beasuoleil-Morrison
This article describes the development of a functionality generating simulations of commercial and institutional buildings with representative characteristics of a real estate stock in Québec.
Simon Sansregret, Jocelyn Millette
There has been extensive research focusing on developing smart environments by integrating data mining techniques into environments that are equipped with sensors and actuators.
Bing Dong, Burton Andrews
Contemporary office buildings commonly experience changes in occupancy patterns and needs due to changes in business practice and personal churns.
Khee Poh Lam, Michael Höynck , Bing Dong, Burton Andrews, Yun-Shang Chiou, Rui Zhang, Diego Benitez and Joonho Choi
Knowing the presence or the actual number of occupants in a space at any given time is essential for the effec-tive management of various building operation functions such as security and environmental control (e.g., lighting, HVAC).
Khee Poh Lam, Michael Hoynck, Rui Zhang, Burton Andrews, Yun-Shang Chiou, Bing Dong, Diego Benitez
Energy-efficiency seems to be one key-driver for whole building and construction industry in the future. Therefore, new construction and building service concepts are obviously needed.
Pekka Tuomaala, Kalevi Piira, Jouko Piippo, Riikka Holopainen, Miimu Airaksinen
The objective of this work is to present an inverse method solving the transient heat-transfer problem in walls aiming to estimate its thermal properties.
Layal Chahwane, Pierre Tittelein, Etienne Wurtz, Bruno Zuber
This paper discusses modelling methodology of the energy use of a certain amount of building stock at the city/regional/national level.
Yohei Yamaguchi and Yoshiyuki Shimoda
The main objective of this article is to present the calibration process of a computer model of a naturally-ventilated house built in southern Brazil. The house was monitored over two seven-day periods by using Hobo data loggers.
Cláudia Donald Pereira, Enedir Ghisi
Building simulation must be calibrated to fit the customer’s bill before applying energy saving measures.
Karine Lavigne
Velux Daylight Visualizer 2 is a software tool dedicated to daylighting design and analysis.
Raphaël Labayrade, Henrik Wann Jensen and Claus Jensen
This paper compares daylight simulation results generated with two simulation programs, 3ds Max® Design 2009 and Daysim 3.0, to indoor illuminance measurements in a sidelit space.
Christoph Reinhart and Pierre-Felix Breton
A recently completed extension to IEA BESTEST includes further work on tests suitable for the validation of ground coupled heat transfer modules within building energy simulation software. The model described here forms part of this work.
Michael Crowley
This paper presents results of a study to investigate the thermal performance of two existing houses that use rammed earth as the sole wall material and compare it with the performance of a house using insulated rammed earth walls.
Veronica Soebarto
