
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

The AIVC website includes a protected content feature that provides access to AIRBASE. Access to the protected content is free of charge but requires you to register first.

There is pronounced interest of engineers in new systems for storey smoke control system.The operational principle of this system is based on independent smoke removal from each storey.
Mizielinski B., Hendiger J.
Results of a pilot study published by Shaughnessy et al.
Haverinen-Shaughnessy U, Moschandreas D, Nevalainen A, Shaughnessy R
In this paper, the authors describe health risks associated with indoor environments , then relevant policy issues in US and barriers to reduce IEQ risks are discussed, both through public policy and the marketplace.
Wu F., Jacobs D., Mitchell C., Miller D., Karol M.H.
Indoor air quality and occupancy levels were investigated in seventeen bars , before and after the smoking ban that took effect on September 1, 2005 in Austin, Texas.
Waring M.S., Siegel J.A.
15 single-family houses with attached garages in southeast Michigan have been investigated for that study whose aim was to characterize VOC concentrations, exposures, airflows, and source apportionments.39 VOC species were detected indoors, 36 in
Batterman S., Jia C., Hatzivasilis G.
Ultrafine particle (UFP) exposures can cause oxidative stress and inflammation in the lungs.
Weichenthal S., Dufresne A., Infante-Rivard C., Joseph L.
Standard 62 was first published in 1973, the latest version designated as 62.1 was published in 2004 .
Persily A., Stanke D., Holness G.V.R., Hermans R.
In this article, models for estimating how the indoor environment quantitatively affects sick leave and work performance are presented.
Seppänen O., Fisk W.J., Wargocki P.
This article examines the effectiveness of air cleaners ranging from portable to duct-mounted devices and lists a variety of technologies that claim to remove particulate matter, chemicals/odors, VOCs and other pollutants.
Chen W., Zhang J."Jensen"S.
Small energy efficient fans have become commercially available for use in HVAC-systems; this open up new possibilities for alternative design of air distribution systems.
Karlsson A., Markusson C.
In this article the authors discussed the issue of how to design a healthy building from three viewpoints : - the importance of an environmental sustainability that contributes to health, productivity and quality of life.
Loftness V., Hakkinen B., Adan O., Nevalainen A.
This paper summarizes the current scientific evidence that improved indoor environmentalquality can improve work performance and health.
Fisk W., Seppanen O.
The significant public health effects of ambient air pollution are mostly caused by exposures in indoor environments, where we spend over 90 % of our time.
Jantunen M.J.
The life cycle cost (LCC) of the heating and ventilation system was simulated for a typical multi family dwelling and a typical detached house. Different ventilations systems were simulated resulting in different heating system designs.
Johansson D.
Due to criteria for building energy efficiency today’s buildings are better insulated and the envelope is more air tight. These improvements have led to a more comfortable buildings and lower running costs.
Airaksinen M., Järnström H., Kovanen K., Viitanen H., Saarela K.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relevance of household characteristics on exposure time to CO2 in houses with balanced ventilation.
Guerra Santin O., Van Ginkel J., Itard L.
A subjective experiment was conducted using 15 college-aged subjects of both genders in order to evaluate their physiological and psychological reactions, performance and fatigue under the different combinations of indoor humidity, local air veloc
Hoda Y., Tsutsumi H.,Tanabe S-I, Arishiro A.
Field survey in the M-Office which installed Task/ambient conditioning systems (hereinafterreferred to as the TAC) was conducted in 2005 and 2006.
Nagareda S., Akimoto T., Tanabe S-I, Yanai T, Sasaki M., Shinozuka D., Nakagawa Y, Kurosaki Y.
Due to high-rise residential buildings and extension of balcony, to resolve discomfort ofindoor-environment and the problem which energy consumption increases, high-riseresidential buildings, coming natural ventilation and decreasing expense of an
Cho G-Y, Kim C-R, Lee S-W, Park C-S, Yeo M-Y-S, Kim K-W
Field tests of a proposed efficient air flow model calibration method were performed on twoclassroom/office buildings.
Firrantello J, Bahnfleth W, Jeong J.W, Musse A, Freihaut J
