
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

The AIVC website includes a protected content feature that provides access to AIRBASE. Access to the protected content is free of charge but requires you to register first.

Buildings account for approximately 40 % of energy use in the European Union, as well as in the United States.
Maria Justo Alonso, W. Stuart Dols, Hans Martin Mathisen, Norway
Gas-phase air cleaning methodologies have been considered as an attractive and cost-benefit alternative, and supplement to the traditional ventilation systems securing that air quality in buildings is meeting the prescribed standards.
Pawel Wargocki, Denmark
Buildings typically are expected to provide their inhabitants with the opportunity to influence the indoor environment using various control devices. These include, for example, windows, luminaires, radiators, and shading elements.
Ardeshir Mahdavi, Helene Teufl, Christiane Berger, Austria
The current development in building energy efficiency towards nearly-zero energy buildings (nZEB) represents a number of new challenges to design and construction.
Per Heiselberg, Denmark
Highly energy efficient buildings such as ones built to the Passive House standard, require a very airtight building envelope and the installation of a mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR).
Gabriel Rojas, Austria
Low energy buildings are highly insulated and airtight and therefore subject to overheating risks, where Ventilative cooling (VC) might be a relevant solution.
Christoffer Plesner, Jannick K. Roth, Per Heiselberg, Denmark
With increasing building airtightness, the design of an adequate ventilation system gains importance.
Klaas De Jonge, Jelle Laverge, Belgium
The last decades big steps have been made on the road to develop and design energy neutral buildings.
Ad van der Aa, Per Heiselberg, Willem de Gids, Netherlands
Various studies show a deterioration in indoor air quality after renovation and energy saving measures.
Piet Jacobs, Wouter Borsboom, Willem de Gids, Netherlands
Combustion appliances are used in many buildings to provide space heating and domestic hot water.
Xavier Kuborn, Sébastien Pecceu, Belgium
The current policies and regulatory frameworks in the construction sector aim to improve energy efficiency of new buildings whilst maintaining acceptable level of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) including indoor air quality (IAQ).
Esfand Burman, Samuel Stamp , United Kingdom
Indoor carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations have been used for decades to evaluate indoor air quality (IAQ) and ventilation.
Andrew Persily, Brian J. Polidoro , United States of America
Many test methods exist for evaluating gaseous-contaminant filtration media, and a few for evaluating functional filters and other devices. These test methods are designed primarily for use in product quality control and to rank products.
Paolo Tronville, Italy
In recent years, not only the residence but also the effort of health promotion by improving the social environment including the working and the regional environment has attracted attention.
Yuko Abe, Yasuyuki Shiraishi, Toshiharu Ikaga, Yoshihisa Fujino, Japan
To achieve stringent energy objectives, new dwellings are subject to energy conservation measures including low air permeability and high levels of insulation.
Esfand Burman, Clive Shrubsole, Samuel Stamp, Dejan Mumovic, Michael Davies
The Proceedings of the 39th AIVC Conference "Smart Ventilation for Buildings", held in Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, on 18-19 September 2018.
Use of Demand Controlled ventilation (DCV) can potentially save more than 50% of energy use for ventilation purposes compared to constant air volume (CAV) ventilation.
Kari Thunshelle, Thea Marie Danielsen, Sverre Holøs, Mads Mysen, EU
The research question of this report is “Is it possible to save energy by lowering the bedroom temperatures in winter”. In this paper first the literature on optimum sleeping temperatures is investigated.
Regina Bokel, Jiahui Cai, Priyadarshini Nanda, Tessa Rouwenhorst, EU
Exposures to elevated concentrations of airborne fine particulate matter with diameter ≤ 2.5 µm (PM2.5) have been linked to multiple negative health effects.
Catherine O’Leary, Benjamin Jones, Ian Hall, EU
In the design of a commercial kitchen ventilation system, it is very important to maintain the capture efficiency of exhaust hoods and ensure smooth removal of heat, moisture, and odor.
Osamu Nagase, Yasushi Kondo, Hajime Yoshino, Miwako Fujita, Shunsuke Ogita, EU
