
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Heavy industry in the UK may be on a downward spiral, but light manufacturing is springing up in its place. Can the structures housing these industries have less impact on the environment?
Luke A
A new method for providing ventilation in large enclosures, which utilizes the principle of 'selective withdrawal' of contaminants while ensuring energy-efficiency and allowing a better use of space, is presented in this study.
Calay R K, Borresen B A, Holdo A E
The target in this study was to decrease the energy use for transportation of air (fanenergy) with a factor of three.
de Gids W, Phaff H, Knoll B
Within the EC-JOULE project "AIRLIT-PV", a new facade unit, integrating ventilation, daylighting, solar protection, intelligent local control and photovoltaic power, has been developed and is under evaluation by means of performance testing at fou
Kronvall J, et al
This paper aims to identify major characteristics of hybrid ventilation systems, whereby a clear distinction is made between ventilation for Indoor Air Quality control and ventilation as part of a strategy for control of thermal comfort in summer.
Wouters P, Heijmans N, Delmotte C, Vandaele L
A hybrid ventilation system is a two-mode system that can automatically switch between passive and mechanical mode at different times of the day or seasons of the year.
Liu J, Yoshino H
The development of guidelines for performance based innovative mechanical ventilationsystems in residential and commercial buildings is included in the European Commissionproject TIPVENT Towards Improved Performances of Mechanical Ventilation Syst
Blomsterberg A
In this study, we investigated the indoor air quality (IAQ) in classrooms with exhaustventilation systems and in naturally ventilated classrooms. In the latter, we found peak CO2-concentrations of more than 4000 ppm.
Weinlader H, Beck A, Fricke J
In order to assess the real performances of different demand controlled ventilation (DCV)systems, two of them were installed in meeting rooms of an office building.The first system is controlled by movement detection on terminal units and has been
Bernard A-M, Blazy M, Lemaire M-C
Ventilation needs in dwellings must be determined on the basis of both requirements to theindoor air quality and necessary control of moisture conditions.
Bergsoe N C
Dynamic computer simulations were used to compare residential ventilation methods to identifyan approach that would improve indoor air quality with minimum energy penalty while maintainingcomfort.
Shah D J
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been used to predict the indoor environment airflow and overall ventilation effectiveness of natural or mechanical air distribution systems.
Maghrabi A
A currently unresolved problem in building design is the paradox between increasing demandfor good thermal insulation, and the requirement for ample levels of ventilation, to maintain ahealthy indoor environment.
McEvoy M, Southall R G
The humidity of room air is a necessary influence of design under the aspects of thermalbehavior, technology and conservation.The moisture absorption in the walls through sorptive materials or dehumidification on thecold window surface by dew poin
Trogisch A, Franzke U
Natural ventilation is one of the most fundamental techniques to reduce energy usage inbuildings.
Zhai Z, Hamilton S D, Huang J, Allocca C, Kobayashi N, Chen Q
In this paper, the ventilation of a “crêpe” paper-processing workshop containing dryers, which generate a high thermal load, is considered. Displacement ventilation has been used for many years in industries with high thermal load.
Papakonstantinou K A, Kiranoudis C T, Markatos N C
In this study, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and a variety of mixing models is used to evaluate the indoor air quality in a small single-family house.
Huang J, Chen Q
