
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In this study a series of parametric laboratory measurements were made of the velocitiesoutside, ve, and inside, vi, a full-scale louver positioned in a rectangular opening located in avertical wall forming part of a 1m x 1m x 2m deep model room.
Sharples S, Maghrabi A
In natural ventilation systems, fresh air is often provided through opening of windows, andthere is a wide range of possibilities with regard to selection of window type and position inthe facade.
Bjorn E, Jensen J, Larsen J, Nielsen P V, Heiselberg P
Knowledge and estimation of the wind speed and air flow characteristics, in a city, is of vitalimportance for passive cooling applications and especially in the design of naturallyventilated buildings.
Santamouris M, Dascalaki E, Klitsikas N, Papakonstantinou K, Georgakis C
The paper presents results from a wider study into providing displacement ventilationin urban areas by taking air into buildings from the top without the use of fans.Results from large scale experimental work are given.
Gage S A, Ayres P, Axon J
There has been a growing interest in the use of natural ventilation in buildings to supplement orreplace mechanical air supply systems.
Sharples S, de Salis M, Oldham D
There has been a growing interest in the use of natural ventilation in buildings to supplement orreplace mechanical air supply systems.
Vrins E, Oomens E
This article describes a ventilation system, developed within the framework of aEuropean project supported by the JOULE III programme (NAVAIR project).
Noel O, Le D‚an P, Krikorian O, Haller R
This paper discusses how simplified thermal and ventilation tools could be used during thefeasibility study of buildings to demonstrate the advantages of natural and low energyventilation strategies.
Rufus S C, Kolokotroni M
The estimate of actual air change rates considering atmospheric turbulence isintroduced. The starting point is the spectral description of turbulence - Kaimalspectrum was used in order to consider the height above ground.
Marques da Silva F, Saraiva J G
At sufficiently high Reynolds numbers, the discharge coefficient Cd associated with a sharplycontracting flow through a square-edged opening is, in general, taken to be constant.
Hunt G R, Holford J M
Before starting to design an HVAC installation for treatment, supply and exhaust of air to and from a building the needs should be listed, transformed to requirements and their consequences analysed.
Persson M P S
Dwellings airtigthness is not well known in practice, in France.When dwellings are equipped with mechanical ventilation systems (which represents about 95% of the new dwellings in France) the airtigthness can strongly influence the performance ofv
Barles P, Boulanger X
The Building Air Tightness is an important parameter on ventilation systems performanceand energy losses.Yet, the total amount of leakage is as important on performances as their effective positionin the room.Some calculations have been run accord
Bernard A-M, Lemaire M-C
A number of single tracer gas techniques (decay, step-up, homogeneous constant emission,inlet pulse and homogeneous pulse) suitable for measuring the local mean ages of air in multizonebuildings exist, each having their advantages and drawbacks.
Stymne H, Hansson P, Boman C A
Conventional models of building occupants' environmental preferences such as thermal comfort are used to give guidelines for the average environmental conditions that will satisfy large groups of people.
Matthews I W, Virk G S, Azzi D, Raja I A
This paper outlines work in progress to develop dissemination material to assist the appropriate application of solar and passive ventilation in urban buildings.
Kolokotroni M, Santamouris M, Dascalaki E, Palmer J, Allard F, Alvarez S,""Blanco A
This paper presents an experimental study of natural ventilation induced by combined forces of thermal buoyancy and opposing wind in a single-zone building.
Andersen A, Bjerre M, Chen Z D, Heiselberg P, Li Y
Measurements of ventilation rates and internal temperatures have been recorded in a naturallyventilated auditorium with high intermittent heat gains for a wide range of weather conditionsat a UK site.
Clancy E M
The heating degree-days method is widely used for calculation of the air change heating energydemand.
Binamu A, Linberg R
The operation and performance of forced-air ventilation systems with the aid of a dynamic modeling and simulation computer program are presented.
Shah D J
