
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper presents a summary of calculations on the total cost effects of the remedial measures to reduce high summer time room temperatures in a hypothetical building.
Seppanen O A, Vuolle M
Natural cross ventilation to take advantage of air velocity in getting comfort, and solar protection, are the main design criteria traditionally proposed for warm humid climate.
Couret D G
This paper reports on an investigation of the use of an innovative earth tube ventilation system designed to improve the internal comfort conditions without the need for mechanical cooling.
Yao R, Feng Y, Miller A
A computer model for predicting natural ventilation in buildings by solar chimney alone is presented.
Sarachitti R, Hirunlabh J, Khedari J
For the academy Mont Cenis in Herne, Germany, a large microclimatic glass envelope (72m x 1.80m x 15m) with separate buildings inside the envelope, a concept for the natural ventilation was put up and a program for the control of the motor driven
Pasquay T, Muller H F O
Adequate ventilation and good air quality are essential for the comfort of occupants and productivity. Excessive ventilation however, may result in discomfort and high energy loss.
Raja I A, Virk G S, Azzi D, Matthews I W
In many hot countries courtyard housing has evolved to help people achieve thermal comfort under hot conditions. Field studies have identified several thermal comfort adaptive actions that a person might take to achieve comfort.
Heidari S, Pitts A C, Sharples S
This paper presents an innovative roof design. The roof is designed in response to the Tropical climate of Thailand with respect to human thermal comfort.
Waewsak J, Hirunlabh J, Khedari J
The authors were asked to investigate the dynamic thermal performance of a winery building designed by Architects Freebairn-Smith & Crane.
Diaz C, di Cola R S
Gas cooking in the home can release high levels of nitrogen dioxide (N02) and carbon monoxide (CO). This study investigated the effect of various ventilation strategies to reduce personal exposure to these pollutants.
Ross D I
This paper is based on a dual approach (experimental and numerical) in order to predict the indoor air quality for small ventilated enclosures.
Teodosiu C, Laporthe S, Rusaouen G, Virgone J
This paper presents the difference in the air quality between that perceived by the occupants (breathing zone) and that in the occupied zone as a whole.
Xing H J, Hatton A, Awbi H B
Ventilation is increasingly a subject of concern due to its relation with health and energy loss. Environmental pollution and global warming demands energy conservation and a Airtight structures are being built to reduce the energy losses due to i
Raja I A, Virk G S, Azzi D, Matthews I W
This study investigated the sources and concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including formaldehyde in the air of a new office and conference centre building.
Yu C W F, Crump D R
This project covered 16 aircrafts including both smoking and non-smoking flights from June 1996 to August 1997.
Lee S C, Lam S, Luk F
The protection of non-smoking persons against cigarette smoke is a very popular subject.
Kruhne H, Fitzner K
The flow in a ventilated room will not always be a fully developed turbulent flow.
Nielsen P V, Filholm C, Topp C, Davidson L
Symmetry is not a sufficient condition for the design of a ventilated room to generate two-dimensional airflow.
Zhang G, Morsing S, Bjerg B, Svidt K
In dwellings ventilated by extract ventilation there are common complaints of cold draught caused by the supply air entering the room through openings close to the windows.
Blomqvist C, Sandberg M
The aim was to develop a simple dynamic model for predicting air exchange caused by short time single-sided ventilation and necessary window opening time in classrooms. Tracer gas measurements have been made in a full-scale room.
Nordquist B, Jensen L
