
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In order to achieve a satisfactory level of hygiene and comfort in premises and to assess the pollutant transfers, it is necessary to control the air flow distribution.
Soares S, Domenech S, Laborde J C, Laquerbe C, Ricciardi L
In this study the spatio-dynamic temperature response in a ventilated room to variations of the supply air temperature was modelled for a wide range of ventilation rates.
Janssens K, Berckmans D, van Brecht A
Tracer gas measurements have Jong been used to quantify the performance of ventilation systems by exploring such scales as the air exchange efficiency, the local mean age of the air, the residence time distribution and so on.
Peng S H
Zonal models have been proposed to bridge the gap between the whole-building macroscopic modeling methods of programs like CONTAM or COMIS and the more detailed microscopic modeling metho.ds based on solutions of the time-smoothed Navier-Stokes eq
Axley J W
The numerical investigation of airflow and chemical transport characteristics for a general class of buildings involves identifying values for model parameters, such as effective leakage areas and temperatures, for which a fair amount of uncertain
Lorenzetti D M, Sohn M D
The evolution of the temperature profile in a warm room driven by a natural ventilation flow which develops when the room is connected to a cold exterior by two openings at different vertical heights is explored.
Gladstone C, Woods A W
In many cases natural ventilation is used to ensure an acceptable indoor environment. However it is difficult to design a building for acceptable ventilation rates and indoor comfort without the proper tools or guidelines.
Mathews E H, Arndt D C
Air may be pre-cooled using thermal mass before it is supplied to an occupied space. One option is to pre-cool the air in a basement space and exhaust the air at high level through stacks.
Jones P, Kippenberg K
Solar energy air-collectors installed on the sun-oriented building facades can be used for improving natural ventilation of adjacent rooms.
Moret Rodrigues A, Canha da Piedade A, Awbi H B
This paper shows that under certain conditions, multiple solutions for the flow rate exist in a natural ventilation system, induced by the non-linear interaction between buoyancy and wind forces.
Li Y, Delsante A, Chen Z, Sandberg M
Large eddy simulations (LES) were performed for flows relevant to or incurred in ventilation air motions with and without thermal effects.
Peng S H, Davidson L
With the purpose of evaluating validity of the application of CFO on the problems of cross-ventilation, numerical simulation was performed, using standard k- E model and two types of modified k-E models which improve evaluation accuracy in product
Kurabuchi T, Ohba M, Arashiguchi A, Iwabuchi T
The intention of this paper is not to compare discretization schemes but to show some advantages of a stabilized finite element method for modelling natural ventilation.
Gritzki R, Muller H, Richter W, Rosler M
The Particle Streak Tracking System (PST) is a fast method to measure two- and three-dimensional velocity fields in room air flows with measuring areas up to 5 m2.
Muller D, Renz U
In the frame of a Swiss research project, a passive tracer gas technique for the determination of multizone air flow and contaminant transport in buildings was tested, based on previous work in several other countries.
Dorer V, Gehrig R, Hill M, Weber A
It is well known that the introduction of tracer gas techniques to ventilation studies has provided much useful information that used to be unattainable from conventional measuring techniques.
Lee H, Awbi H B
Nowadays the ventilated cooled beam is one of the most popular air-conditioning system, e.g. in Scandinavia and Central Europe.
Kosonen R, Horttanainen P, Dunlop G
