
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The thermal dynamic behaviour of buildings is solved by different methods; one of them is based on simulation by means of thermal node models.
Vytkacil D
This work is centered on the transient analysis of natural ventilation provided by a single side opening when only indoor-outdoor temperature differences are present (no wind).
Fracastoro G V, Mutani G, Perino M
In order to quantify uncertainty in thermal building simulation stochastic modelling is applied on a building model.
Brohus H, Haghighat F, Frier C, Heiselberg P
In order to quantify uncertainty in thermal building simulation stochastic modelling is applied on a building model. Part l deals with the stochastic thermal building model and a test case.
Brohus H, Haghighat F, Frier C, Heiselberg P
The effect of the change in object positions (i.e. office furniture) on the air quality in a room was studied using zonal purging flow rates.
Cho Y J, Awbi H B
In order to simulate indoor air distribution and airflow around buildings quickly and accurately by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) technique, a new zero-equation turbulence model and momentum method for inlet boundary condition are adopted.
Zhao B, Li Y, Yan Q
The aim of this study is to improve the utilization of CFD approach in the applications of air conditioning technology.
Teodosiu C, Rusaouen G, Laporthe S
Presented in the paper is an efficient and accurate numerical method for simulation of ventilation duct flow.
Jovicic N, Milovanovic D, Babic M, Soulis J V
In this study the instantaneous temperatures and velocities close to a diffuser for displacement ventilation have been recorded by using whole-field measuring techniques.
Linden E, Cehlin M, Sandberg M
The keeping of animals in livestock buildings requires the ventilation of these buildings.
Muller H J, Moller B, Glaser M
The behaviour of room airflows under fully turbulent conditions is well known both in terms of experiments and numerical calculations by computational fluid dynamics (CFD). For room airflows where turbulence is not fully developed though, i.e.
Topp C, Nielsen P V, Davidson L
Scale model experiments make it possible to analyse design concepts of ventilation, especially air distribution in large enclosures.
Hurnik M, Popiolek Z, Mierzwinski S
This paper proposes a new ductless air supply system with a ceiling plenum chamber using low temperature air as a secondary HY AC system for an ice thermal storage system.
Hashimoto Y, Tsubota Y, Nakano Y, Urabe W, Oka T, Kaneko M, Hazama Y, Imai T
In an air-conditioned office building, the ventilation air is normally mixed with the return air from the room in the air-handling unit.
Hiwatashi K, Akabayashi S, Morikawa Y, Sakaguchi J
Cooling ceiling systems are controlling only the sensible heat balance of the rooms; they are always combined with a ventilation system foreseen to control indoor humidity and to cover air renewal requirements.
Lebrun J, Ternoveanu A, Wei Q
In many buildings, for instance tunnels, underground, parking areas and industrial halls, the L/H is so large that the flow pattern induced by a two dimensional supply air jet along the ceiling can be completely different from that in rooms of nor
Zou Y, Nielsen P V
In the modem office environment there are numerous heat generating equipment. In addition there are loads from solar radiation and heat produced by people. Therefore, the loads will often exceed.the load the ventilation system can cope with.
Fredriksson J, Sandberg M, Moshfegh B
A three dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFO) analysis has been used to predict airflow patterns in laboratory fume hoods.
Kirkpatrick A T, Reither R
An isothermal air curtain for isolation of smoking areas in restaurants was designed, built and evaluated in a test facility using oil-smoke visualisation and tracer measurements.
Rydock J P, Hestad T, Haugen H, Skaret J E
