
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In this study, a mixed mode building, namely the Portland Building at the University of Portsmouth is considered.
Gegov A E, Virk G S, Azzi D, Haynes B P, Alkadhimi K I
To develop guidance on effective ventilation strategies for buildings located in urban areas, it is necessary to have an understanding of the processes involved in the ingress of external pollution into buildings and its effect on indoor air quali
Kukadia V, Hall D, Walker S, Spanton A
Recent years have seen increased use of natural ventilation, daylighting, and cooling techniques in UK buildings.
Cook M J, Lomas K J, Eppel H
Unsteady wind effects can be important in natural ventilation, but their treatment requires knowledge of instantaneous surface pressure distributions which are extremely difficult to obtain.
Etheridge D W
The inherent unreliability of the forces which drive natural ventilation can make such systems unattractive for the designer.
Eames I W, Howarth A T
The UK government has signed the Kyoto Protocol and it has committed to reducing C02 emissions to 20% below 1990 levels by 2010.
Letherman K M, Samo S R
Demand Based Ventilation systems are potentially valuable in terms of energy saving in building with fluctuating occupation patterns. Most demand based ventilation systems are controlled by C02 measurement.
Moore A, Murray M J
Current thermal comfort standards and the models underpinning them purport to be equally applicable across all types of buildings, ventilation systems, occupancy patterns, and climate zones.
de Dear R
The conversion efficiency of solar cells is dependent on the cell temperature and they perform better the colder the cells are. The paper discusses cooling of solar cells by providing solar cell modules with an air gap behind the modules.
Sandberg M
The Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre was established as a jointly funded International Energy Agency activity in 1979.
Liddament M W, Orme M S
An historical background of fluid mechanics used in computation of natural ventilation is provided. Unresolved issues in computation of natural ventilation for thermal comfort are discussed.
Aynsley R
Mechanical and natural ventilation systems have developed separately during many years.
Heiselberg P, Tjelflaat P O
This paper aims to identify major characteristics of hybrid ventilation systems, whereby a clear distinction is made between ventilation for Indoor air quality control and ventilation as part of a strategy for thermal comfort in summer.
Wouters P, Heijmans N, Delmotte C, Vandaele L
Many existing offices either overheat in the summer or use excessive amounts of energy to maintain acceptable temperatures.
Palmer J, Robinson P
The on-the-ground experience of a domestic design and construct company (Ecobuild Pty Ltd, for which the author is the designer and director), is illustrated as a case study for the application of domestic natural ventilation in the temperate clim
Oosthuizen A D
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFO) modelling techniques have been used extensively and with considerable success for many years in providing environmental and physiological flow conditions in applications as diverse as:
Rundle L R
Thirty five occupants of twenty five naturally ventilated rooms can operate supplementary cooling and heating equipment and windows independently to control their local thermal conditions and ventilation in accordance with their personal comfort r
Rowe D, Cong Truc Dinh
During design phase, Liberty Tower of Meiji University, a high-rise building located at the center of Tokyo Metropolitan area, several testing methods were applied to ensure the effectiveness of the various components used in the principle of hybr
Chikamoto T, Kato S, Ikaga T
This paper reports on research into the fundamental fluid mechanics mechanisms that lead to thermal stratification in a naturally ventilated room containing sources of heat, or cooling.
Cooper P, Hunt G
