
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The study concerns the ventilation of a parallelepiped shape room by means of several systems whose supplying and extracting methods differ, so the different thermic conditions applied to limits.
Hanrion M-L, Barles P, Marchal D
The LTEE laboratory of Hydro-Quebec, in collaboration with Canada Mortgage and Housing conducted an indoor air quality study involving 30 single family detached houses heated with electric baseboard heaters in the vicinity of Trois Rivières during
Parent D, Stricker S, Fugler D
The role of ventilation in the housing stock is to provide fresh air and to dilute internally-generated pollutants in order to assure adequate indoor air quality.
Sherman M H, Matson N E
The research community as well as the design and construction practice is spending a lot of efforts and investments in developing systems which optimise the energy use for achieving certain specified air flow rates.
Wouters P, Vandaele L, Ducarme D, Demeester J
The acceptance and appreciation of ventilation systems is mainly determined by the perceived indoor air quality, thermal comfort and noise.
Op't Veld P, Passlack-Zwaans C
To ensure indoor air quality an efficient ventilation system should provide fresh air in those parts of a room where it is required.
Janssens K, Berckmans D, De Moor M
Ventilation is necessary to provide a good indoor air quality to occupants in office buildings but is however a major energy consumer.
Ducarme D, Wouters P, Jardinier M, Jardinier L
Many modern buildings in the Nordic countries have mechanical ventilation. Passive stack ventilation is, however, an accepted ventilation system in the Nordic countries according to the current building codes.
Blomsterberg A
The problem of sensation of draught in ventilated spaces is connected to inappropriate velocities in the occupied zone. In Scandinavia, velocities higher than 0.15 m/s are said to be an indicator of that occupants are likely to feel discomfort.
Karimipanah M T, Sandberg M
Full scale measurements of air flow velocities, temperature, intensity of turbulence and air exchange rate are carried out on two rooms with different types of ventilation located in the department of architecture at Chalmers University of Technol
Handa K, Pietrzyk K
The homogeneous emission passive tracer gas technique is described. This technique relies on an even distribution of constant tracer gas emission rate within the object to be measured, so that the emission rate per volume unit is constant.
Stymne H, Boman C-A
The use of local exhaust is considered to be the most effective way to control pollutant dispersion from intense sources, such as in kitchens, in toilets, as well as in copy machine rooms.
Niu J L, Burnett J, van der Kooi J, van der Ree H
The work presented in this paper is aimed at the definition of tracer gas experimental procedures for measuring the air change rate, the age of air and the air change efficiency in real buildings under mechanical ventilation conditions.
Aleo F, Vitale S
The first part of the paper will show some aspects of experimental research on air distribution in ventilated rooms.
Cocora O
The common way to determine air infiltration, exfiltration and interzonal flows from tracer gas measurements in multizoned buildings is to rely upon the standard single or multizone model, Vc(t) = Qc(t)+p(t) .
Hedin B
This paper reports on the use of BRE's domestic ventilation model, BREVENT, to predict subfloor and whole house ventilation rates in a BRE/DoE test house.
Hartless R P
Existing experimental techniques for calculating air flow through building cracks are usually based upon relationships derived from experimental studies employing relatively simple procedures.
Sharples S, Thompson D
Tracer gases are commonly used to evaluate the performance of ventilation systems. One way to reduce the time, complexity, and cost of such experiments is to use the carbon dioxide generated by occupants as a tracer gas.
Federspiel C C
While the use of heat energy has decreased since the middle of the 1970's the use of electricity in the Swedish stock of commercial buildings has increased dramatically.
Nilson A, Hjalmarsson C, Uppstrom R
Ad Hoc Group 4 of Working Group 2 of CEN TC156 (Ventilation) was set up to put forward standardised techniques for estimating ventilation rates in dwellings.
Cripps A
