
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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As more buildings are connected to cloud-based large data systems, there is an opportunity to learn from the data.
Stet Sanborn, Peter McNally Victor Braciszewski, Eli Cowart, Armen Topakian, Ben Apolinario, Maya Salabasheva, Jun Timbang, Herb Moussa, Travis English
Cracks in building fabric lead to air infiltration due to wind and buoyancy driven forces. In the heating season, the cold air entering the building needs to be heated up to room temperature, thus leading to an energy demand.
Sébastien Pecceu, Paul Van den Bossche
In the United States, compartmentalization measurement of individual unit total leakage is the most common method of air leakage testing multifamily buildings.
David Bohac,, Collin Olson, Gary Nelson, Bob Davis
By using natural driving forces, hybrid ventilation systems reduce fan energy consumption in buildings.
Bassam Moujalled, Gabriel Remion, Romulad Jobert, Anissia Benzekhroufa, Claire-Sophie Coeudevez, Marc Dufresne, François Demouge, Corinne Mandin
Envelope air leakage testing of new residential buildings is becoming more common in the United States as state energy codes and energy efficiency programs add testing requirements.
David Bohac, Russ Landry, Lauren Sweeney, Bob Davis, Scott Pigg, Collin Olson, Gary Nelson
Productivity of workers is greatly affected by their comfort in the workplace.
Ryan Grammenos, Konstantinos Karagiannis, Manuel Escalante Ruiz
The importance of moisture control in indoor environments is increasingly recognized Air humidity affects buman bealth and comfort, and it is also connected to the durability of several building components and to energy efficien
Stefano Zanon, Rossano Albatici
The design heat load of buildings is composed of maximal heat losses via ventilation, infiltration and transmission. Ventilation control possibilities can have an impact on these maximal simultaneous ventilation losses.
Ivan Pollet, Steven Delrue, Stijn Germonpré, Frederik Losfeld, Jelle Laverge
The balcony is defined as an in-between architectural element that has the ability to intermediate the indoor and the outdoor environmental conditions. Through history, distinct balcony solutions have been used to improve the in
Catarina Ribeiro, Pedro F. Pereira, Nuno M. M. Ramos, Inês Flores-Colen, Nuno Valentim
Data from mechanical extract ventilation units of Renson Ventilation nv installed in Belgium is utilized to detect space occupancy through machine learning.
Sundaravelpandian Singaravel, Steven Delrue, Ivan Pollet, Steven Vandekerckhove
When an infant is born, he or she begins independently breathing for the first time, meaning that immediately his or her lungs start becoming a principal interface between the outside air and the organism being considerably and
Hailin Zheng, Shalika Walker, Wim Zeiler
Healthy Buildings has become the marketing focus, if not the goal, for an increasing number of projects and organizations in the past five years.
Carl Grimes, Mark Jackson, Frederick Marks
Sensor errors have an important impact on the operation, control, and detection of building energy systems. Correct and reliable sensors can effectively reduce the energy consumption of building energy systems.
Peng Wang, Jiteng Li, Sungmin Yoon, Tianyi Zhao, Yuebin Yu
The overall objective of the IEA EBC Annex 68” Project, “Indoor Air Quality Design and Control in Low Energy Residential Buildings”, has been to develop the fundamental basis for optimal design and control strategies for good In
Carsten Rode, Marc Abadie, Pawel Wargocki, Menghao Qin, John Grunewald, Jianshun Zhang, Jakub Kolarik, Jelle Laverge, Fitsum Tariku
As the industry shifts focus from indoor air quality (IAQ) to indoor environmental quality (IEQ), the need arises for its field consultants and inspectors to meet the demands of assessment, evaluation and control, particularly in established build
Alex Reese Mavrelis, John Earman
On average, a higher educational student spends 3-8 years inside an institutional building during their studies, where they tend to stay with large groups of students in confined environments for longer durations.
V. M. Jayasooriya , R. M. D. H Rajapaksha, A. W. M Ng, S. Muthukumaran
Clean air heat pump (CAHP) is a new technology that combines air cleaning with hygro-thermal control of ventilation air. In CAHP, a regenerative desiccant wheel is used for moisture control and air cleaning.
Ying Sheng, Lei Fang
Attached garages can pose a threat to a home’s indoor air quality because the garage air, which often contains some contaminants such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds, can migrate into livin
Yigang Sun, Paul W. Francisco, Zachary M. Merrin
Comfortable heating of rooms with large areas of external glazing is one of the most challenging issues in cold climate zones. The rule of thumb, in this case is locating the heating unit under the window.
Olga Yakimchuk
Considering all aspects of indoor environmental comfort (thermal, visual, acoustical and air quality) and their interactions, questionnaires aiming at detecting assess people's perception of indoor environmental quality (IEQ), w
Federrica Morandi, Ilaria Pittana, Francesca Cappelletti, Andrea Gasparella, Athanasios Tzempelikos
