
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The next generation of end-use technologies must respond to growing demands for better indoor air quality, comfort, workmanship and durability. Priority technologies include advanced building energy management control systems, high efficiency.
Riley M
Due to the intensification of global environmental problems and to the anxiety of stable oil supply resulting from the Gulf war the tendency toward energy-saving is growing at a global scale.
Yoshida H
Indoor climatization requires temperature and humidity control.
Rosa R
In the period 1980-1987 Rotterdam carried out an energy saving programme for municipal buildings in the non-profit sector (hospitals, schools, offices, libraries, etc).
Verhagen J W
The present study intends to optimize the concept of a breast-wall panel while conciliating the architectural aspects and energy saving strategies of non residential buildings.
Mootz F, Bezian J-J
The Haringkavel housing project consisting of 47 apartments is situated in the town of Boskoop, The Netherlands. This project, completed in 1989, consists of two parallel, three-floor apartment blocks with the areain between enclosed by a glas
Schiphouwer H, Snoek R Vander
This paper investigates the feasibility of the application of ice storage/cold air distribution based air conditioning systems in commercial buildings in the South-Eastern Mediterranean area. An office building currently under construction in
Tassoci S A
Ecolonia is being built in an urban expansion area in the Dutch municipality of Alphen aan den Rijn. The urban development plane was prepared by the Belgian town planning architect Lucien Kroll.
Berns W C T
In recent times energy conservation has gained tremendous importance in India and is being looked upon as an untapped energy source.
Kapoor RK, Peo P
The papers are divided into sessions under the following headings: technical barriers and market employment, energy efficiency and the environment, national and regional programmes, international collaboration aspects.
International Energy Agency
The European Community's Thermie programme is outlined, covering financial support for commercial implementation of new energy technologies; measures for energy technology promotion, through a network of Organisations for the promotion of Energy T
Gowen M T
Throughout the past decade, a considerable amount of experience has been gained from technology transfer programmes on energy efficiency and renewables energy technologies in the UK.
Miles J E P, Bevan G G, Evans GV, Taylor P B
The three common tracer injection strategies all proved reliable in a test chamber under complete mixing conditions.
Breum N O
This paper discusses some inference problems in measurement programs. The 1991 Swedish energy and indoor climate survey is chosen for the purpose of illustration.
Norlen U
The technology of chilled ceilings is currently a favourite issue among HVAC technicians. In this article the author describes the advantages of this system.
Mertz G
The general purpose of heat recovery can be said to be threefold: to reduce energy use; to reduce peak power need; to increase the time constant of the building for heating and ventilation as well as domestic hot water production.
Svennberg S A
The effect of wind on building ventilation is determined by pressure coefficients that depend on many factors such as building geometry, wind direction, mean and turbulent atmospheric boundary layer velocity profiles, and thefactor to be considere
Walker I S
This work examines the application of the constant-injection and pulse-injection tracer gas techniques for measurement of airflow in rectangular ducts. Experiments were carried out in ducts with aspect ratios of 1,2, and 4.
Cheong K W, Riffat S B
