
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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A short state of the art in heat attenuation studies and technology is presented, with reference to the climate conditions of Mediterranean countries. The main areas of mass, insulation, building shape, glazing and control are considered.
Antinucci M
The paper is structured in four sections. The introduction sets the notion of solar control as a fundamental issue in deciding the priorities of climate-responsive design for different building types and locations in Europe.
Yannas S
This paper is concerned with aspects of thermal comfort which are particularly relevant to passive cooling.
Use of Brick Veneer/Steel Stud wall systems has preceded adequate forma} scientific investigation into its long term serviceability and safety.
Robert G. Drysdale, Andrew Kluge
Morrison Hershfield Limited undertook to study and investigate the performance of the Rainscreen Principle applied to residential claddings on wood frame construction for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
Morrison Hershfield Ltd
In this paper, the conversion of exhaust heat to latent heat is studied as one of the methods for the preservation of the thermal environment in urban areas.
Tarumi H, Fujii S
The present study was designed to assess health effects in residents of a Bulgarian city polluted by a transboundary chlorine emitter.
Basmadjieva K, Tabacova S
Unless requirements are laid out in codes, control of noise in buildings is often an afterthought. The measures taken to control noise, however, are invariably linked to other building subsystems.
Warnock A C C
Passive solar building are developed to take advantage of the solar heat to reduce the cost of heating. This is obtained by windows with large glass areas in the facade of the building. This idea has some disadvantages.
Lute P J, Liem S H, van Paassen A H C
Each year in Canada, building fires cause hundreds of deaths, thousands of injuries and billions of dollars’ worth of property damage. Canada has the second highest fire death rate among 15 industrialized countries.
Sultan M A
Reardon J T, Shaw C Y, Chown G A
Arbitrary energy conservation tactics have caused numerous environmental problems in all types of buildings. HVAC testing and adjusting can help solve them
Schulz F C
Test and balance services are vital for an HVAC system to operate properly and efficiently.
Tomlinson D T
Investigates IAQ by making subjective assessments of perceived air pollution caused by human bioeffluents. A panel comprising 107 people reported on odour intensities and acceptability of bioeffluents from 54 other people as occupants.
Iwashita G, Kimura K, Tanabe S, Yoshizawa S, Ikeda K
The COMIS workshop (Conjunction of Multlzone Infiltration Specialists) was a Joint research effort to develop a multlzone Infiltration model.
Edited by: Feustel H.E., Raynor-Hoosen A., Allard F., Dorer V.B., Feustel H.E., Rodriguez Garcia E., Grosso M., Herrlin M.K., Mingsheng L., Phaff H.C., Utsumi Y., Yoshino H.
This guideline has been prepared by a working group of the concerted action "Indoor Air Quality and Its Impact on Man" (COST project 613) and describes a method for the determination of formaldehyde emissions from wood based materials using large
Working Group 3, Luxembourg
