The 10th AIVC Conference - Progress and trends in air infiltration and ventilation research, was held in Espoo, Finland, 25-28 September 1989.

Contains 52 papers.

Volume content

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During the past decade a multitude of diagnostic procedures associated with the evaluation of air infiltration and air leakage sites have been developed.
Harrje D T, Gadsby K
An up-to-date design concept for office buildings results in a very low energy consumption and provides a better indoor climate at the same time.
Braun W
The use of passive perfluorocarbon technique for air flow measurements has been developed and tested. The building and testing of the system took approximately one year. The reproducibility of the analysis was tested during the period.
Sateri J, Jyske P, Majanen A, Seppanen O
A test room with a Displacement Ventilation System has been built. Air velocity and temperature profiles were measured at different places in the room under summer and winter conditions.
Kegel B, Schulz U W
This paper describes a simulation program which was developed for the modelling of air-conditioning systems and conditioned spaces in industrial buildings.
Heikkinen L
This paper describes tracer gas methods and equipment developed to measure infiltration and inter-zone air flow rates in New Zealand houses.
Bassett M R, Beckert H M
Moisture and mould in buildings have become fairly common problems in Italy, particularly since regulations aimed at energy conservation have been enforced in the seventies.
Aghemo C, Lombardi C, Masoero M
Ventilation in a building enables to renew the air it contains by means of a natural exchange of air (depending on weather conditions and climate) or a forced exchange using mechanical appliances.
Meroni I, Pollasto C, Tirloni P, Esposti W
In Sweden, the energy crisis in the early seventies resulted in attempts to lower the air change rate in buildings to reduce energy consumption.
Lyberg M D, Boman C A
A new visual method is yielded by a particular application of Mollier's h,x-diagram. Point fields (temperature and humidity) lead to a significant improvement upon previous graphic methods.
Trumper H, Jansen W
This paper deals with the elaboration and the validation of a userfriendly numerical program (EOL) for the calculation of the ventilation patterns inside industrial premises. After the running-in.
Berlandier P, Rapp R, Serieys J C, Cunin J C
Ventilation, infiltration, indoor air flows and air exchanges determine two aspects of fast growing interest: the energy balance of buildings and the indoor environment.
Trepte L
The paper describes the development in airflow simulations in rooms.
Nielsen P J
A comparison of three injection manners, step-up, step-down and pulse, for determination of the mean age of air was made by using nitrous oxide and sulphur hexafluoride as tracer gases.
Niemela R, Saamanen A, Koshela H
Pressurization, or depressurization, of buildings is a tool to assess the airtightness of building envelopes. A common working pressure is 50 Pa, and the airtightness is expressed in terms of the number of air changes per hour at 50 Pa.
Lyberg M D, Boman C A
The indoor climate and ventilation were measured in 50 dwellings with various ventilation systems. The health and comfort of people living in the dwellings were studied with a simultaneous questionnaire.
Ruotsalainen R, Ronnberg R, Majanen A, Sepannen O
In the "Stockholm Project", different blocks of multifamily buildings have been extensively monitored for about three years. Temperatures, airflows and electricity use have been registrated each hour.
Wickman P
The COMIS workshop (Conjunction of Multizone Infiltration Specialists), using a multi-national team, is planning to develop a reliable, smooth running multizone infiltration model on a modular base.
Feustel H E, Grosso M, Phaff J C, Allard F, Herrlin M, Utsumi Y, Dorer V B, Liu Mingsheng, Yoshino H
It is particularly important to be aware of the air flow pattern in a building when determining indoor air quality problems or calculating space conditioning loads for energy consumption.
Feustel H E
The AIVC nowadays is an established Centre on infiltration and ventilation research. It is well known throughout the world. This position has not been reached easily. But years of hard working and critical managing of the Centre were a necessity.
De Gids W F
