The 11th AIVC Conference - Ventilation system performance, was held in Belgirate, Italy, 18-21 September 1990.

Contains 46 papers. 

Volume content

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Keynote speech describes the difficulties of designing air conditioning system with human comfort in mind. Lists design fundamentals for satisfactory indoor air quality, together with a description of some case studies.
Sandelewski A
An investigation has been carried out using computational fluid dynamics methods to study the performance of an air curtain at the door of a heated building.
Lam J K W, Ruddick K G, Whittle G E
The use of computers for data acquisition and analysis in air exchange measurements with tracer gases has become state of the art for the researcher.
Rabenstein R, Heidt F D
A new turbinemeter is developed to be used as a ventilating rate sensor in livestock buildings.
Berckmans D, Vandenbroeck Ph, Goedseels V
An appropriate way to identify the most efficient ventilation systems and improve their design is to use design codes for ventilation rates.
Riberon J, Bienfait D, Barnaud G, Villain J
In an experimental facility, we studied the performance of a task ventilation system designed for use in office buildings.
Fisk W J, Faulkner D, Bauman F S, Arens E A
The predominant route for air movements between the floors of two-storey dwellings is via the stairwell.
Edwards R, Irwin C
Ventilation efficiency may be defined as the capability of a given ventilation system to achieve the best balance between indoor air quality and energy conservation requirements:
Bienfait D
Management for acceptable indoor air quality in office buildings requires that the buildings are properly designed, operated and maintained, and that property managers have the knowledge necessary to respond to changes in building operation and us
Shaw C Y, Vaculik F, Patton D W, Comeau G M
As part of the IEA Research Program Annex 18 "Demand Controlled Ventilation Systems" various ventilation systems were examined in a test room. During research, in addition to thermal comfort issues, removal of particles was of importance.
Schwab R, Mayer E
This paper discusses three methods for measuring interzonal air movements in two zone buildings: 1. initial injection of one tracer into a single room, 2. repeated injection of one tracer in two rooms, 3.
Heidt F D, Rabenstein R, Schepers G
In order to reduce the convective flow which is the principal responsible for the high indoor 222Rn concentrations, several mitigation technics have been developed and used in many countries.
Cohilis P, Wouters P, L'Heureux D
With respect to architecture and building materials, this reorientation process has led to advanced technological developments designed to achieve a reduction in the consumption of resources for heating purposes.
Seyer R, Trepte L
A new European norm for measuring the heat transfer rate of radiators is under discussion [ CEN TC 130 ]. This testing can be done either in a closed chamber with cooled walls or in a open chamber with a controlled air supply.
Huber A, Moser A, Chen Q
In the framework of a CEC-DGXVII demonstration project a hygroregulating natural ventilation system is being evaluated in 52 occupied apartments.
Wouters P, Vandaele L
Ventilation performance of a vertical exhaust common-duct installed in a multi-story house was analysed using model experiment and computer simulation.
Murakami S, Yoshino H, Mizutani K, Akabayashi S, Hasegawa K
This paper presents some of the early theoretical work conducted within the framework of a research program aimed at analysing the interaction between gas-fired domestic appliances and the indoor environment in terms of energy consumption, indoor
Fracastoro G V, Masoero M, Mazza E
This paper describes tests of thermal and ventilation performance of two relatively new occupant-controlled localized thermal distribution (also called task ventilation) systems.
Arens E A, Bauman F S, Johnston L P, Zhang H
Pressure models require a good knowledge of the pressure distribution around the building and a precise description of air paths.
Fleury B A
This paper treats the structure of models for predicting interzonal airflow and contaminant dispersal in buildings.
Grot R A, Axley J A
