The 11th AIVC Conference - Ventilation system performance, was held in Belgirate, Italy, 18-21 September 1990.

Contains 46 papers. 

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This paper describes the use of tracer-gas techniques to measure airflow in a rectangular duct and a HVAC system.
Riffat S B, Holmes M
Sustained efforts to conserve energy during the last 15 years have taken place at the expense of the indoor environmental quality. Ventilation air volume has been reduced to a minimum.
Flatheim G
A new facility for the study of ventilation in buildings has been recently developed at the University of Basilicata (Potenza, Italy).
Fracastoro G V, Nino E, Coretti G
This paper describes the activity on Air Infiltration and Ventilation of the research group of "Dipartimento di Energetica" in Politecnico of Turin.
Borchiellini R, Cali M
The performance of ventilation provision in subfloor cavities is relevant to the fields of energy efficiency, condensation risk, and air quality.
Edwards R, Hartless R, Gaze A
Keynote speech describes the difficulties of designing air conditioning system with human comfort in mind. Lists design fundamentals for satisfactory indoor air quality, together with a description of some case studies.
Sandelewski A
An investigation has been carried out using computational fluid dynamics methods to study the performance of an air curtain at the door of a heated building.
Lam J K W, Ruddick K G, Whittle G E
