The 12th AIVC Conference - Air movement and ventilation control within buildings, was held in Ottawa, Canada, 24-27 September 1991.

Contains 88 papers.  

Volume content

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Due to the limitations of computer storage and time the flow boundary conditions at an air inlet device have to be specified for numerical simulations of air flow patterns in rooms.
Ewert M, Renz U, Vogel N, Zeller M
The evaluation of a code can be done by investigating two items: solving the correct equations and solving equations correctly and eficiently. An indoor airflow code VentAirI has been developed and is evaluated here.
Li Y, Fuchs L, Holmberg S
The paper presents an original computer code for the analysis of contaminant diffusion in rooms developed at the Politecnico di Torino and its experimental validation by means of a test facility located at the University of Basilicata (Potenza).
Cardinale N, Fracastoro G, Mantegna M, Nino E
Recent full scale experiments has detected the presence of low Reynolds number effects in the flow in a ventilated room.
Skovgaard M, Nielsen P
Simulation models basing on 2-dimensional finite-difference approach were developed for the steady-state and dynamic analyses of the thermal coupling of leakage airflows and building components.
Virtanen M
A new simple method is proposed here for the experimental singling out of the air flow patterns in a room.
Cannistraro G, Giaconia C, Rizzo G
Numerical modelling is performed to predict air movement, thermal comfort level and contamination distribution within an open office space.
Fang J, Persily A
The flow rate in thermal plumes are influenced by many factors. Influence by enclosing walls is one of them.
Kofoed P, Nielsen P
Sandberg and Skaret differentiate between the terms air change efficiency and ventilation effectiveness.
Brouns C, Waters J
The basis of this study are experimental results obtained on a real scale cell in controlled climatic conditions which are used to show the potential influence of radiative participation of inside air on natural convection in a room.
Allard F, Inard C, Draoui A
The measurements reported in this paper were carried out in a mock up of an office room, ventilated by a commercial supply air terminal consisting of 84 nozzles (characteristic dimension SqRoot of As = 0.0975 m).
Sandberg M, Blomquist C, Mattson M
Kitchen hoods are frequently found in Belgian kitchens. Most of them have as only function intensive ventilation during certain cooking activities.
Wouters P, Geerinckx B, Vandaele L
Conventionally used thermal anemometers are able to measure velocity, but cannot determine direction.
Steimle F, Eser U, Schadlich S
This report describes tracer gas measurements of the local mean age of air at different locations within an office room.
White M, Walker R
A test programme has been designed to evaluate the performance characteristics of sensors for the automatic control of ventilation rates.
Fahlen P, Ruud S, Andersson H
A commercially available humidity controlled natural ventilation system (Aereco) has been installed in the framework of a CEC demonstration project in 3 apartment buildings in France, the Netherlands and in Belgium.
Wouters P, L'Heureux D, Geerinckx B, Vandaele L
The work in this paper contributes to the work in the IEA - Annex 20 "Air Flow Patterns within Buildings" and presents a series of full-scale measurements of the concentration distribution in a room with isothermal mixing ventilation.
Heiselberg P, Bergsoe N
Modern one-family houses in Scandinavia are often ventilated by an exhaust fan. Most of the outdoor air probably enters through whatever cracks and openings there are and only a small part enters through the supply vents in many of these houses.
Blomsterberg A
Simplified, physical models for calculating infiltration in a single zone, usually calculate the air flows from the natural driving forces separately and then combine them.
Sherman M
The methods available for the measurement of air infiltration and air movement in large industrial halls are restricted by the size of the building and the nature of the operations which take place within it.
Sutcliffe H, Waters J
