The 17th AIVC Conference - Optimum Ventilation and Air Flow Control in Buildings, was held in Gothenburg, Sweden, 17-20 September 1996.

Contains 62 papers.

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To ensure indoor air quality an efficient ventilation system should provide fresh air in those parts of a room where it is required.
Janssens K, Berckmans D, De Moor M
System safety of the performance of mechanical ventilation systems can of course be analysed by means of general methods for system safety analysis. Such methods are used a lot in industrial practice, especially in manufacturing industry.
Kronvall J
Wind pressures can significantly affect ventilation performance. However often they are overlooked in the design of a naturally ventilated building, with buoyancy forces presumed to offer the worst case scenario for design.
Alexander D K, Jenkins H G, Jones P J
The work presented in this paper is aimed at the definition of tracer gas experimental procedures for measuring the air change rate, the age of air and the air change efficiency in real buildings under mechanical ventilation conditions.
Aleo F, Vitale S
This paper describes an experimental investigation into the operation of a modified Trombe wall.
Pitts A C, Craigen S
Ad Hoc Group 4 of Working Group 2 of CEN TC156 (Ventilation) was set up to put forward standardised techniques for estimating ventilation rates in dwellings.
Cripps A
Especially in modern buildings with small capacity of humidity storage it is necessary to reduce the humidity in the supply air. Normally this was done by using a refrigeration system mostly with CFC's.
Steimle F, Reckzuegel M, Roeben J
The homogeneous emission passive tracer gas technique is described. This technique relies on an even distribution of constant tracer gas emission rate within the object to be measured, so that the emission rate per volume unit is constant.
Stymne H, Boman C-A
The work described in this paper is aimed at predicting the local values of the ventilation eflectiveness parameters of large industrial buildings by a technique which involves the use of computational fluid dynamics and multizonal modelling.
Simons M W, Waters J R
Tracer gases are commonly used to evaluate the performance of ventilation systems. One way to reduce the time, complexity, and cost of such experiments is to use the carbon dioxide generated by occupants as a tracer gas.
Federspiel C C
The project described in this paper has performed simulations using a multi-zone air flow model (4(COMIS)) of three different passive stack ventilation systems.
Carlsson T
The problem of sensation of draught in ventilated spaces is connected to inappropriate velocities in the occupied zone. In Scandinavia, velocities higher than 0.15 m/s are said to be an indicator of that occupants are likely to feel discomfort.
Karimipanah M T, Sandberg M
A study of the reliability of systems by considering the ability of different systems to maintain a required air flow rate over time is included in a subtask of IEA Annex 27 "Evaluation and Demonstration of Domestic Ventilation Systems".
Blomsterberg A, Carlsson T, Svensson C
Natural ventilation studies were carried out within the frame of PASCOOL EC Research Project.
Santamouris M, Dascalaki E, Allard F
This paper reports on the use of BRE's domestic ventilation model, BREVENT, to predict subfloor and whole house ventilation rates in a BRE/DoE test house.
Hartless R P
Since 1985 more than 170 very low energy houses, all of the same type and structure, were built in the Flemish Region, Belgium.
Pittomvils J, Hens H, van Bael F
Ventilation is necessary to provide a good indoor air quality to occupants in office buildings but is however a major energy consumer.
Ducarme D, Wouters P, Jardinier M, Jardinier L
Although the power law has been broadly accepted in measurement and air infiltration standards, and in many air infiltration calculation methods, the assumption that the power law is true over the range of pressures that a building envelope experi
Walker I S, Wilson D J, Sherman M H
Water use is distributed throughout building structures.
Campbell D P, Webb R S
The first part of the paper will show some aspects of experimental research on air distribution in ventilated rooms.
Cocora O
