The 21st AIVC Conference, Innovations in Ventilation Technology, was held in the Hague, Netherlands, 26-29 September 2000.

Contains 60 papers

Volume content

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Knowledge and estimation of the wind speed and air flow characteristics, in a city, is of vitalimportance for passive cooling applications and especially in the design of naturallyventilated buildings.
Santamouris M, Dascalaki E, Klitsikas N, Papakonstantinou K, Georgakis C
The heating degree-days method is widely used for calculation of the air change heating energydemand.
Binamu A, Linberg R
Dynamic computer simulations were used to compare residential ventilation methods to identifyan approach that would improve indoor air quality with minimum energy penalty while maintainingcomfort.
Shah D J
At sufficiently high Reynolds numbers, the discharge coefficient Cd associated with a sharplycontracting flow through a square-edged opening is, in general, taken to be constant.
Hunt G R, Holford J M
In the recent past new concepts for the building envelope have been developed with theunderlying wish to improve the energy performance of a building as well as comfortconditions in the inner spaces.
van Paassen A H C, Stec W
In this study a series of parametric laboratory measurements were made of the velocitiesoutside, ve, and inside, vi, a full-scale louver positioned in a rectangular opening located in avertical wall forming part of a 1m x 1m x 2m deep model room.
Sharples S, Maghrabi A
This paper presents an experimental study of natural ventilation induced by combined forces of thermal buoyancy and opposing wind in a single-zone building.
Andersen A, Bjerre M, Chen Z D, Heiselberg P, Li Y
At present the design pressure difference for air inlets in The Netherlands is 1 Pascal. This paperinvestigates the question whether or not this value is still appropriate.In recent years the airtightness of dwellings has improved remarkably.
Vollebregt R, Vrins E
In order to assess the real performances of different demand controlled ventilation (DCV)systems, two of them were installed in meeting rooms of an office building.The first system is controlled by movement detection on terminal units and has been
Bernard A-M, Blazy M, Lemaire M-C
This paper discusses how simplified thermal and ventilation tools could be used during thefeasibility study of buildings to demonstrate the advantages of natural and low energyventilation strategies.
Rufus S C, Kolokotroni M
In 1998 the Dutch ventilation industry launched a new generation of domestic ventilation systems on the market with high efficiency heat recovery applying counter flow heat exchangers and DC fans.
Op't Veld P
In this paper, the ventilation of a “crêpe” paper-processing workshop containing dryers, which generate a high thermal load, is considered. Displacement ventilation has been used for many years in industries with high thermal load.
Papakonstantinou K A, Kiranoudis C T, Markatos N C
Conventional models of building occupants' environmental preferences such as thermal comfort are used to give guidelines for the average environmental conditions that will satisfy large groups of people.
Matthews I W, Virk G S, Azzi D, Raja I A
This paper presents the results of ventilation measurements taken in a non-occupied one-storey dwelling situated in the countryside.
Loncour X, Wouters P
The development of guidelines for performance based innovative mechanical ventilationsystems in residential and commercial buildings is included in the European Commissionproject TIPVENT Towards Improved Performances of Mechanical Ventilation Syst
Blomsterberg A
There has been a growing interest in the use of natural ventilation in buildings to supplement orreplace mechanical air supply systems.
Vrins E, Oomens E
The relative importance of ventilation in the energy balance of buildings has been increasing,as a consequence of control of heat exchanges through the envelope and internalgains.
Leal V, Maldonado E
The humidity of room air is a necessary influence of design under the aspects of thermalbehavior, technology and conservation.The moisture absorption in the walls through sorptive materials or dehumidification on thecold window surface by dew poin
Trogisch A, Franzke U
The Building Air Tightness is an important parameter on ventilation systems performanceand energy losses.Yet, the total amount of leakage is as important on performances as their effective positionin the room.Some calculations have been run accord
Bernard A-M, Lemaire M-C
Infiltration has traditionally been assumed to affect the energy load of a building byan amount equal to the product of the infiltration flow rate and the sensible enthalpydifference between inside and outside.
Buchanan C R, Sherman M H
