The main goal of the present study was to determine thermal comfort parameters for dwellers of low-cost houses for a given set of indoor environmental conditions.
23rd AIVC and EPIC 2002 Conference - Lyon, France- 23-26 October 2002
The 23rd AIVC and Epic 2002 Conference (in conjunction with 3rd European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings), Energy efficient and healthy buildings in sustainable cities", was held in Lyon, France, 23-26 October 2002.
Contains 149 papers
Volume content
Experimental evaluation of the performance of a prototype hybrid solar photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) air collector for the integration in sloped roof | 2002 | English
Detailed simulation studies on the design and development of PV/T systems are being carried out at the Politecnico di Milano, for their possible integration with a sloped roof.
Assessment of natural ventilation potential of a region using degree-hours estimated on global weather data | 2002 | English
The applicability of natural ventilation depends strongly on climate. The potential of natural ventilation represents a measure of the feasibility of natural ventilation in a specific climate.
Moisture transport across imperfect hydraulic contact interface - A parametric study | 2002 | English
Material properties, water vapor permeability, sorption/suction isotherm and moisture diffusivity, are prerequisite for application of all hygrothermal models.
In this work a methodology for indoor environmental quality assessment was applied, based on thermal, visual, and acoustic comfort indices and on their analysis and spatial representation.Object of the study was one secondary school classroom of t
To evaluate innovations and efficiency as regards air-conditioning, it is necessary to know for how long and in which conditions the equipment functions, an indication related with the COOLING LOAD and which is their effectiveness - EER - on avera
Moisture transport in building materials with imperfect hydraulic contact interfaces | 2002 | English
Based on the experimental results and predictions of a numerical model, the effects of uncertainty in estimation of imperfection of the interface on moisture transport were studied in the present study.
This paper describes a modular facade system, which supplies the room behind with the necessary amounts of heat, light and fresh air.
Effect of thermal mass on natural ventilation in a single-zone building with two openings | 2002 | English
This paper considers an ideal naturally ventilated building model that allows a theoretical study of the effect of thermal mass associating with the non-linear coupling between the airflow rate and the indoor air temperature.The thermal mass numbe
The Portuguese National Museum for Archaeology is undergoing an expansion and retrofitting. It is currently housed in one of the most important ancient monuments in Portugal: the Monastery of Jernimos.
Development of an Integrated Scheme for the Energy Efficient Refurbishment of Existing Settlements | 2002 | English
The White Paper on renewable Energy states that the total energy requirements in thedomestic sector could be reduced by 50% in EU until the year 2010, half of which could be accounts for by introducing passive and active solar technologies in buil
Ventilation stratefies of a residential district on restoration : analysis of technical solutions and comparative evaluation. | 2002 | English
Within an Italian Experimental Programme an interdisciplinary research for the retrofitting of some residential buildings in the surrounding of Florence has been carried out.
Europrosper : Developing methods for the energy certification of existing buildings. | 2002 | English
This paper outlines the Europrosper project whose objectives are to :1.
Approximately 300 low energy houses have been built in the Republic of Ireland by the multi-national CRH Plc and South Dublin County Council as part of a co-ordinated European Commission-supported demonstration project, RE-Start (Renewable Energie
Sufficiency of cleaning after repair of mold damage evaluated by microbiological methods | 2002 | English
Constructional aspects and the use of school building had led to moisture and mold damages confirmed by microbiological analysis from material, surface and air samples. Cultivation methods were used to assess mesophilic fungi and actinobacteria.
The transformation of the conservatorio San Giuseppe into the cospicua residential home for the elderly, Malta | 2002 | English
The transformation of the Conservatorio San Giuseppe , into the Cospicua Residential Home for the Elderly has become a landmark in the neighbourhood.
This paper presents an approach to evaluate the sensitivity of a roof design to condensation problems, given the uncertainty to achieve continuity of airtightness in practice.
Reconstruction of late 19 th century building for new Slovene Ethnographic Museum is presented.
Technical procurement of demand controlled ventilation for dwellings based on performance specifications. | 2002 | English
Swedish dwellings often have mechanical ventilation with an almost constant air flow independent of variations in loads. The performance of these ventilation systems is often not satisfying. The occupant habits have changed e.g.
Integration of high environmental quality comfort requirements during the retrofitting of educational buildings. | 2002 | English
A important part of educational buildings must be retrofitted in many European countries, in the next years, for historical and demographic reasons.