The 23rd AIVC and Epic 2002 Conference (in conjunction with 3rd European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings), Energy efficient and healthy buildings in sustainable cities", was held in Lyon, France, 23-26 October 2002.

Contains 149 papers 

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Swedish dwellings often have mechanical ventilation with an almost constant air flow independent of variations in loads. The performance of these ventilation systems is often not satisfying. The occupant habits have changed e.g.
Blomsterberg Å. , Källman O. , Berggren T., Ryhre J.
A important part of educational buildings must be retrofitted in many European countries, in the next years, for historical and demographic reasons.
Cantin R., Adra N., Guarracino G.,Nicolas G.
The historical headquarter of Italian Ministero degli Esteri (Ministry of External Affairs) in Rome named as "Palazzo della Farnesina" is a very large (about 700.000 m 3 of volume) and complex multi-functional building.The objective of present stu
Beccali M., Butera F., Ferrari S. , Oliaro P.
Energy conservation represents a main concern for the environmental, economical and social problems. In this field, educational buildings are large consumer of energy and in many countries need retrofits.
Adra N, Cantin R, Guarracino G
Basis of this work was the question of the formation of air flows in ventilated test rooms with regard to wall influences.
Heschl Ch., Fesharaki M., Geyer J., Kelz A
Winner of First Prize in the 2 nd Commonwealth Inter-school Design Competition organised by theCommonwealth Association of Architects (CAA), 1991. The winning design was a pair of houses with wind towers.
Frendo J.
Insufficient concern about energy efficiency during the design and/or the operation of a building is the main reason for the high energy consumption of existing buildings.
Froehlich S, Wagner A, Wambsganß M, Schlums M
The needle heat exchanger (acts as a pre filter EU3) was installed in front of the glass fiber used as a fine filter (EU7) in the supply air chamber.
Halonen R., Kokotti H., Kujanpää L, Keskikuru T., Reiman M.
The Airways project was set up to provide design guidance and maintain afficient air duct systems, and to bring to light the energy saving opportunities in parallel with health, safety and comfort issues.
Malstrom T, Andersson J, Carrie F R, Wouters P, Delmotte C
