The 28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference, Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, was held in Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007.

Contains 247 papers 

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A conference report from the 28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference  " Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century" held in Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007.
De Gids W F
Five most commonly used single span shapes of greenhousesviz. even-span, uneven-span, vinery, modified arch and quonset type have been selected for comparison.The length, width and height (at the center) is kept same for all the shapes.
Sethi, V.P.
Thermal mass can be used in buildings to reduce the need for and dependence on mechanical heating and cooling systems whilst maintaining environmental comfort.
Warwick, D.J.; Cripps, A.J.; Kolokotroni, M.
Urban development is unavoidable as the result of country’s economic growth. Without a careful planning, a city may cause environment destruction. Singapore is known to have the best environmental quality in the world.
Wong, N.H.; Jusuf, S.K.
Social, financial, energy and technical data from about 1110 households have been collected during 2004 in the major Athens area. The sample has been divided in seven income groups and a detailed analysis has been performed.
Santamouris, M.; Kapsis, K.; Korres, D.; Livada, L.; Pavlou, C.; Assimakopoulos, M.N.
Different types of thermal activation of building structuresare increasingly utilized in buildings including BIPV, multifunctional PV facades with controllable daylight/solar gain features and integrating thermal and electrical output.
Todorovic, M.; Ecim, O.; Zlatanovic, I.
Commercial buildings with large exposed glazed façades require solar shading devices in order to protect occupants from uncomfortable direct glare.
Tzempelikos, A.; O'Neill, B.; Athienitis, A.
The idea of using one-dimensional fillers as a reinforcingagent is nothing new: straw has been used to reinforcemud bricks since about 4000 BC.
Shahmohamadi, P.; Soflaee, F.
One of the prerequisites for the design of buildings that make good use of daylight for internal illumination is a knowledge of the daylight climate in the place where the building is to be situated.
Wilkins, P.R.
The Clathrate Hydrate Slurry (CHS) of Tetra-n-Butyl-Ammonium Bromide (TBAB) comes into being under normal atmosphere when aqueous TBAB solution is cooled to 5-12 . It is a kind of high-density latent-heattransportation medium.
Xiao, R.; He, S.H.; Huang, C.; Feng, Z.P.
New solar energy systems with efficient energy output and advanced aesthetics have been developed at the University of Patras last 20 years.
Tripanagnostopoulos, Y.; Tripanagnostopoulou, M.
Despite the available knowledge about technologies for passive cooling, cooling energy consumption is still increasing in Europe.
Varga, M.; Leutgöb, K.; Pagliano, L.; Zangheri, P.; Cavelius, R.
One of the research areas of the Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) concerns the built environment.Several facilities to conduct the research activities are at ECNs disposal.
Sijpheer, N.C.; Bakker, E.J.; Schuitema, R.; Ligthart, F.A.T.M.; Opstelten, I.J.
The design of sustainable cities in locations with adverseclimates should consider different ways to mitigatethe heat in open spaces, especially during the summerperiods.
Soutullo, S.; San Juan, C.; Olmedo, R.; Enriquez, R.; Palero, S.; Ferrer, J.A.; Heras, M.R.
The paper reports on a series of short projects undertaken in the course of the 2006-07 academic year as part of the AA School’s Masters Programme in Sustainable Environmental Design.
Yannas, S.
The European research project “EULEB – European high quality Low Energy Buildings” intends to provide information about good examples of energy efficient buildings in use, in order to reduce prejudices and lack of knowledge of many key actors of t
Schlenger, J.; Müller, H.
Real-time control of comfort in indoor spaces needs models of temperature distribution and air-velocity velocityfield. Complete models, based on CFD, give this information but are improper for real-time calculations.
Sempey, A.; Inard, C.; Ghiaus, C.; Allery, C.
High reflective coatings and paintings for the building envelope can be very useful to reduce the cooling loads and ensure thermal comfort conditions in the built environment.A sustainable painting obtained with a specialmixture of milk and vinega
Zinzi, M.; Fassano, G.; Manilia, E.
During the last years there is an increased consciousnessof the environmental problems, which are created by the use of fossil fuels for electrical power generation consumed by converting cooling systems.
Zidianakis, G.; Tsoutsos, T.; Zografakis, N.
