The 28th AIVC and 2nd Palenc Conference, Building Low Energy Cooling and Ventilation Technologies in the 21st Century, was held in Crete, Greece, 27-29 September 2007.

Contains 247 papers 

Volume content

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During the last years there is an increased consciousnessof the environmental problems, which are created by the use of fossil fuels for electrical power generation consumed by converting cooling systems.
Zidianakis, G.; Tsoutsos, T.; Zografakis, N.
The European research project “EULEB – European high quality Low Energy Buildings” intends to provide information about good examples of energy efficient buildings in use, in order to reduce prejudices and lack of knowledge of many key actors of t
Schlenger, J.; Müller, H.
Real-time control of comfort in indoor spaces needs models of temperature distribution and air-velocity velocityfield. Complete models, based on CFD, give this information but are improper for real-time calculations.
Sempey, A.; Inard, C.; Ghiaus, C.; Allery, C.
High reflective coatings and paintings for the building envelope can be very useful to reduce the cooling loads and ensure thermal comfort conditions in the built environment.A sustainable painting obtained with a specialmixture of milk and vinega
Zinzi, M.; Fassano, G.; Manilia, E.
Sustainable development means that any encroachment into the ecosystem must be done in such a manner that the survival of future generations is not threatened in any way.In simple terms this means that we should leave the world for our children a
Singery, M.; Mofidi, S.M.
Bioclimatic approach gives attention to the design of roof since it is commonly the building element which is most exposed.
Spanaki, A.
Illuminance and daylight availability are important parametersin daylighting design for passive, low energy architecture.
Zain-Ahmed, A.; Omar, H.; Alwi, M.Y.; Omar, M.; Ahmed, S.
In the previous study, it was found that urban heat island intensity in National University of Singapore (NUS) campusas high as 4oC at around 13:00.
Wong, N.H.; Jusuf, S.K.
This presentation projects the potential of mass interwovenwith other aspects of Bioclimatic Design, with the objective of energy conservation and utilization of renewable energy resources for indoor comfort.The variable of mass and its effect on
Serghides, D.
The paper provides a technical discussion on the developmentof zero energy building design strategies in the UK.
Wang, L.; Gwilliam, J.A.
The aim of this paper was to study the natural ventilation by the stack effect in a reduced model of a building to obtain the night ventilation. A vessel, with double wall, built using glass and metal and filled with water worked as a chimney.
Matsumoto, E.; Caram, M.R.
This paper describes the current Welsh housing stock with a view to assessing the range of existing propertiesin terms of age, construction type and the implicationsfor mechanical heating and cooling of spaces.
Rhodes, M.; Knight, I.; Agyenim, F.
This paper examines aspects of energy performance of office building facades in urban environment in Greece. Two double skin facade (DSF) types were placed to a conventional office building and were compared.
Koinakis, C.J.; Sakellaris, J.K.
This paper presents the optical and thermal performancesof different glazed surfaces coupled with a shading system struck by solar radiation.
Oliveti, G.; Arcuri, N.; Bruno, R.; De Simone, M.
In order to reduce the energy cost for heating and improvethe internal conditions during the summer period in greenhouses, they have been investigated different solutions including passive cooling techniques and hybridsystems.
Pavlou, K.; Sfakianaki, A.
The Millennium Development Goals, approved by 189 countries in September 2000, and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, adopted in 2002 by the World Summiton Sustainable Development (WSSD), emphasize the urgent need for greater commitment to r
Kouvelis, S.
The paper describes a proposal for low-cost, low embodiedenergy, passively-cooled social housing in Limassol, Cyprus, using a simple universally available recycled prefabricationsystem.
Menikou, M.; Keeffe, G.P.
This paper outlines the need to increase the resilience of hospital buildings in the face of three growing perils, climate change, insecurity of energy supplies and the resulting potential for epidemics and pandemics.
Roaf, S.
This project refers to the study and analysis of a central region of the city of Heraklion in Crete and the proposal of an installation of a light metal construction, aiming at the improvement of comfort conditions of the users of the region.
Kokolaki, C.; Papoutsaki, M.
The sensation of comfort in buildings depends on externaland internal variables: the well-known PMV method relates the expected temperature with the physiological behavior of the human body.
Palme, M.; Isalgué, A.; Coch, H.; Serra, R.; Marincic, I.; Fanchiotti, A.
