The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.

Contains 165 papers 

Volume content

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Building airtightness is an important parameter that canbe measured according to the International Standard IS09972 "Therm~~l performance of buildings -Determination of air permeability of buildings - Fanpressurization method".Since 2006, there is
Delmotte, C.; Caillou, S.; Van den Bossche, P.; Wouters, P.
Interzonal air movements are important tocharacterize overall ventilation perfosmance ofcomplicated multi-zone indoor spaces.
Han, H.; Cho, S.-H.
Measurements and smoke tests show that thequadrants of a Windcatcher with a positivepressure across them act as supply ducts, whilethose with a negative pressure across them actas exhaust ducts.
B. Jones, R. Kirby, M. Kolokotroni
An integrated building concept is a prerequisiteto come to an energy efficient building with agood and healthy IAQ indoor comfort.
A. Van der Aa, P. Heiselberg
Indoor air concentration is mainly affected bythe emission rate of contaminants frommaterials and the ventilation rate. Therefore, theappropriate selection of materials andventilation rate is an important factor for indoorair quality.
Kim, J.H.; Kang, D.H.; Choi, D.H.; Yeo, M.S.; Kim, K.W.; Kim, S.S.
To obtain thermal comfort in a moderateclimate, dwellings were traditionally providedwith a heating system, but few had coolingsystems.
K. Allacker, F. De Troyer
Misawa Homes have developed a homeaiming a zero annual energy balance, definedas the energy consumption over production byusing solar energy, in 1997.
Ohta, I.
In this study, we evaluated the ventilationperformance of an automobile interior with theaim of minimizing the influence of harmfulmaterials emitted from new cars.
Kim, H.; Song, K.; Kim, S.; Lee, Y.
If thermal insulation and solar control ofbuilding envelopes are appropriately made forindoor thermal environment control, then themoderate air current becomes relativelyeffective for thermal comfort especially inresidentional buildings in summer
Tokunaga, K.; Fukai, Y.; Shukuya, M.; Izawa, K.
Recently, dampness in buildings has beenindicated to be associated with occupants' healthdamages such as allergies. In particular mold inindoor air is considered to be a significant riskfactor of health.
Hasegawa, K.; Hayashi, M.; Honma, Y.; Osawa, H.
As the technology in building materialsadvances, the room air pollution caused bychemical compounds, and also by preservativesand insecticides for termite control, has becomea serious problem.
Honma,Y.; Osawa, H.; Kuwasawa, Y; Suzuki, H.
The aim of this study is to examine contaminantdistribution in the occupied zone of a room servedby a novel enhanced displacement ventilationsystem which brings cooler air near the floorupward around human body via 4 fans mounted ateach corner of
Sun, W.; Melikov, A.K.; Cheong, K.W.D.
The concentration in the convection flows ofresuspended particles from the floor area wasexperimentally investigated under laboratoryconditions with different ventilation strategies.It was concluded that the number of smallparticles transported in
Mundt, E.
In building design the requirements for energyconsumption for ventilation, heating and coolingand the requirements for increasingly betterindoor climate are two opposing factors.This paper presents the schematic layout andsimulation results of an
Hviid, C.A.; Svendsen, S.
The use of floor heating has been know sincemore than 3000 years from the Chinese Kang,the Korean Ondol, the Romans hypocaust to daysmodern water based systems embedded in thefloor construction.
Olesen, B.W.
In this paper we analyze by means ofbuilding simulation the effect of differentparameter combinations on the non-heating andnon-cooling temperatures of a typical airconditionedoffice building.
Caciolo, M.; Filfli, S.; Stabat, P.; Marchio, D.
The Mechanical supply only (MSO) ventilationsystem has many advantages, such as good airdistribution, easy pre-heating of cold fresh airsupply and prevention of chemical aerosolsintake through wall cavity.
A. Fukushima, S. Murata, T. Morita, K. Niki
In order to generate effective grid for CFDanalysis of wind environment around buildings in urban area, we newly develop non-uniformtype adaptive mesh refinement method(NUAMR).
M. Imano, Y. Sakamoto, M. Kamata, N. Onishi
The paper presents a new concept for a lowpressure drop supply system suited for theventilation of office spaces.
L. Baldini, F. Meggers
Domain decomposition technique is a methodfor CFD simulation, which can handle internalairflow of cross-ventilation of dwellingsseparately from extemal domain.
T. Nonaka, T. Kurabuchi, M. Ohba, T. Endo
