For the patient, the sickroom is a place for themedical treatment and is also the living spacewhere they spend almost all time in a day.Therefore, high indoor air quality and thermalcomfort are needed in the sickroom.We propose to use the displace
29th AIVC Conference - Kyoto,Japan - 14-16 October 2008
The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.
Contains 165 papers
Volume content
Displacement Ventilation System with Radiation Panel for Sickroom-Influence of Radiation Panel on Contaminant Concentration Profile - | 2008 | English
Measurement of total pressure, static pressure and wind velocity aroundcross-ventilated building | 2008 | English
Conventionally, the flow rate of a crossventilatedbuilding is predicted by using theorifice equation. When the opening is small,flow becomes like infiltration through cracks, itis useful.
Air-related problems in high-rise buildings:How can we cope with the problems due to stack effect? | 2008 | English
The construction of high-rise buildings beganseveral decades ago in North America, and nowhigh-rise buildings are common in East Asiaand the Middle East.
Ventilation Performance of Residential Kitchen Range Hood- Capture Efficiency of Island Hood | 2008 | English
An island hood, which is often installed in anisland kitchen, is an exhaust range hoodmounted on a ceiling independently. Thecapture efficiency of the island hood is obtainedby experiment and CFD analysis.
Prediction of indoor air quality considering the concealed air leaks in theimproved houses | 2008 | English
There are many infiltration routes in detachedhouses in Japan.
Adaptive Control which considers Human Comfort corresponding toThermal Environment Change, and it's Energy Saving Effect | 2008 | English
This paper shows the experimental evaluation of thermal comfort of people moving from outdoors to indoors in summer.
Mean and turbulent characteristics of the boundary layer under neutral andunstable conditions | 2008 | English
Prediction and visualisation of wind flow andpollutant dispersion in urban, densely built areasis necessary for city planners and engineers inorder to regulate and monitor successfully thelocal air quality.
The present research was aimed at the definitionof a design hypothesis for the construction of apharmaceutical warehouse in a hot humid areaof southern Sudan.
Stimulating better envelope and ductwork airtightness with the EnergyPerformance of Buildings Directive | 2008 | English
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directivementions that each member states' energyperformance (EP) calculation methodology mayinclude envelope airtightness.
Subtask B of the IEA-ECBS Annex 44"Integrating Environmentally ResponsiveElements in Buildings" deals with thedevelopment and the optimisation of integratedbuilding elements.
Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method Suitable for CFD Analysis of WindEnvironment around Buildings | 2008 | English
In order to generate effective grid for CFDanalysis of wind environment around buildings in urban area, we newly develop non-uniformtype adaptive mesh refinement method(NUAMR).
Advanced Distribution and Decentralized Supply : A Network Approach for Minimum Pressure Losses And Maximum Comfort | 2008 | English
The paper presents a new concept for a lowpressure drop supply system suited for theventilation of office spaces.
Domain decomposition technique is a methodfor CFD simulation, which can handle internalairflow of cross-ventilation of dwellingsseparately from extemal domain.
We are building a particle tracking systemfor the measurement of convective heat transfersand pollutants displacements in full scale rooms.To increase the depth of the zone of interest, thesystem is non stereoscopic and do not use laserlight.
It is often pointed out that when evaluating the energy-saving performance of equipment, it isimportant to take into consideration how theequipment under consideration is actually used.In evaluating heat transfer by contact duringfloor heating, it
CFD Analysis of Airflow Characteristics inside Office Room with Hybrid Air Conditioning-System | 2008 | English
The hybrid air-conditioning system is consistsof natural ventilation and mechanicalair-conditioning system in this paper.
Performance of Whole-building Pressurization as Countermeasureagainst Stack Effect in High-rise Office Building | 2008 | English
This paper deals with pressurization usingHVAC systems on each floor as acountermeasure against stack effect generated inthe winter in high-rise office buildings that donot use revolving doors at the entrance.
Hybrid ventilation free-cooling simulation in Energy Plus. Application on ashopping center retrofitting, in Portugal. | 2008 | English
Buildings take a great share on the total energyconsumption and C02 emissions in Portugal.Poorly thought buildings pollute the urbanspace, and contribute to the increasing buildingssector energy demand.
Simulation on evaluation of Indoor air pollutant difhsed in the crawlspace of detached house | 2008 | English
As the technology in building materialsadvances, the room air pollution caused bychemical compounds, and also by preservativesand insecticides for termite control, has becomea serious problem.
Distribution of contaminants in the occupied zone of a room served by a novel enhanced displacement ventilation system | 2008 | English
The aim of this study is to examine contaminantdistribution in the occupied zone of a room servedby a novel enhanced displacement ventilationsystem which brings cooler air near the floorupward around human body via 4 fans mounted ateach corner of