In 2003 the new extension of the German Museum of Technology (Deutsches Technikmuseum, Berlin), which comprises around 12,000 m?? of exhibition space was completed as a low-energy building.
30th AIVC Conference - Berlin,Germany - 1-2 October 2009
The 30th AIVC Conference, Trends in High Performance Buildings and the Role of Ventilation, was held in Berlin, Germany, 1-2 October 2009.
Contains 48 papers
Volume content
Saving Heating and Cooling Energy by Sub-soil Conditioning of Supply Air at the German Museum of Technology | 2009 | English
The current rate of consumption across Europe is leading to environmental problems. We need toreduce our impact to nature - our ecological footprint - by two thirds to achieve a sustainable andglobally equitable level.
'Ventilation and Building Envelopes in a Holistic Perspective : A plea for Fit For Purpose approach and Activating Design | 2009 | English
A questionnaire presented to designers demonstrates the difficulty to explain the specific status, thestratification and the correlation of parameters, features, concepts, principles and requirements.
In schools the temperature of the indoor air is one of the most important factors in terms of the indoorclimate.
Impact of Cooling Systems on the Energy Consumption and Indoor Environment in a Low-Energy Office Building | 2009 | English
The paper presents the results and analysis of the energy consumption of a newly designed office building in relation to quality of the indoor environment.
The dependence of the ventilation on the indoor particulate pollution is highlighted by numerousstudies.
Study on particles’ mass balance as a function of the ventilation rate in a test cell | 2009 | English
The indoor air quality is a very important issue and it generally depends on the airtightness of theshell, the ventilation rates, the deposition and the resuspension rates of the particles and the internalsources as well.The whole experimental pro
Treatment of envelope airtightness in the EPB-regulations: some results of a survey in the IEE-ASIEPI project. | 2009 | English
One of the topics studied in the European IEE-ASIEPI project ( is the way envelopeairtightness is dealt with in the EPB-regulations of the Member States.
The vortex ventilation system (VV) which uses a rotating finned swirler installed coaxially with the exhaust duct is a very effective local ventilator.
Ventilation in residential buildings: A comparison of different calculation methodologies in the context of the EPBD | 2009 | English
The legal background for the assessment of the energy performance of buildings and energycertificates in Germany will be changed in October 2009.
International building legislation is setting stronger and stronger requirements for the energy performance of buildings.
The impact of cost-efficient measures on the performance of school buildings in South Africa - Two case studies | 2009 | English
In 2005 the first Energy Efficiency Plan for South Africa was developed by the Department of Mineralsand Energy. This plan sets the target for energy efficiency improvements of 12% until 2015.
Nocturnal natural ventilation for low and zero energy office buildings in Central Chile | 2009 | English
Office buildings in central Chile normally show higher cooling than heating energy demand.Overheating is a frequent problem in this type of buildings in cities like Valparaso and Santiago.Santiago (33S) presents a Mediterranean climate, with a hig
Calculation of the primary energy consumption of a supply and exhaust ventilation system with heat recovery in comparison to a demand-based (moisture-controlled) exhaust ventilation system | 2009 | English
Due to the increase in CO2 emissions and the resulting climate change more and more efforts aremade to reduce energy consumption.
It is well known that appropriate ventilation represents one of the prerequisites for achieving goodindoor comfort, and we try to ensure a continuous and sufficient intake of fresh air into a building.
On the way to the solution of our energy-problems, the conditioning of buildings is the most importantsector.
From Single Buildings to Communities and Cities - Energy Efficiency in the Course of Time | 2009 | English
For quite a long time energy conservation and energy efficiency were concentrated on a singlebuilding approach.
Development of setting methods to control outdoor ventilation airflow rate in office buildings | 2009 | English
Ventilation is essential for the health and comfort of building occupants. It is particularly required todilute and/or remove pollutants emitted by occupants' metabolism and activities.
The paper provides the results of monitoring on the specifics of indoor air quality in Latvian dwellingbuildings.
Passive cooling of buildings is one of the energy-saving measures that can be employed in climateswith predominantly sensible cooling loads.