The airtightness of new buildings has significantly improved in the last two decades thanks to building energy performance regulations. However, until now, low knowledge is available about the evolution of buildings’ envelope airtightness.
40th AIVC - 8th TightVent - 6th venticool Conference - Ghent, Belgium - 15-16 October 2019
The 40th AIVC Conference "From energy crisis to sustainable indoor climate - 40 years of AIVC", was held in Ghent, Belgium, 15-16 October 2019. Contains 128 papers and/or summaries.
Volume content
Assessment of the durability of airtightness products in laboratory controlled conditions: development and presentation of the experimental protocol. | 2019 | English | 13 pp
Wood is a hygroscopic material, it has the ability to adsorb or desorb water in response to the ambient relative humidity. Thus, the ambient air will affect the moisture content of the wood, and in turn, the dimension of the wood.
The association between indoor air quality (IAQ) and sleep quality was investigated in this study.
Measurements of sleep quality with low-cost sleep monitors: Effect of bedroom air quality and sleep quality | 2019 | English | 1 pp
More than 20 years of one’s life is spent in the bedroom when sleeping. Sleep quality is essential for our health, well-being and next-day performance.
CO2 concentration of the surrounding air near sleeping infants inside a crib | 2019 | English | 10 pp
The indoor air quality is very important for the well-being of occupants, especially in the case of young babies. This research focuses on the air quality of the surrounding air inside a crib with sleeping infants.
The estimation of low-rise, residential building infiltration rates using envelope airtightness values from whole building fan pressurization tests has been the subject of much interest and research for several decades, constituting a major topic
Wind Pressure Coefficient and Wind Velocity around Buildings in High Density Block of Metropolis for Natural Ventilation Design | 2019 | English | 10 pp
The ventilative cooling by natural ventilation is important technology for the buildings in urban area for the sake of energy saving and BCP (Business Continuity Plan).
Alternative solution proposal to improve the air change in light shafts based on flaps | 2019 | English | 10 pp
Outdoor air change qualifies the air that enters into the buildings. The outdoor air moves freely along the urban mesh favoured by the wind forces and stresses.
The work presented is the continuation of the research on the probabilistic modelling of air infiltration carried out by the author over many years.
Impact of an occupancy and activity based window use model on the prediction of the residential energy use and thermal comfort | 2019 | English | 8 pp
The opening of windows can lead to high energy losses in wintertime, especially in nearly zero-energy buildings. But can reduce overheating significantly in summertime.
Quality framework for residential ventilation systems in Flemish Region in Belgium – feedback after three years’ experience | 2019 | English | 11 pp
A ventilation performance report is mandatory for every new residential building in Flanders, for building permits issued since January, 1st 2016.
Commission and performance contracting of ventilation systems in practice. Determination, analyses and consequences for practitioners and contractors | 2019 | English | 9 pp
Studies in the Netherlands show that ventilation systems of dwellings don’t comply with building regulations. The main shortcoming is insufficient ventilation. This applies to both the house as a whole as to individual rooms.
Test of new analysis methodologies to assess dynamic airflow rate with the tracer gas decay method | 2019 | English | 8 pp
The measurement of natural airflows is practically challenging. Driving forces that induce natural airflows are characterized by low pressure differences.
Reliability of ductwork airtightness measurement: impact of pressure drop and leakage repartition on the test result | 2019 | English | 14 pp
Building airtightness requirements are becoming more and more common in Europe (Leprince, Carrié, & Kapsalaki, 2017). However, airtight buildings require an efficient ventilation system to ensure good indoor air quality.
Out2In: impact of filtration and air purification on the penetration of outdoor air pollutants into the indoor environment by ventilation | 2019 | English | 9 pp
Within the ventilation principle of buildings, the outdoor air is considered as a source of fresh, "clean" air.
Future trends in laboratory methods to predict HVAC in service filter performance | 2019 | English | 10 pp
Air filters installed in ventilation systems face various types of aerosols during their service life, both in residential and in commercial buildings.
A study of the influence of the position of a chimney terminal on the vertical walls of a building on the air quality of the ventilation air supply | 2019 | English | 11 pp
Combustion appliances are used in many buildings to provide space heating and domestic hot water.
The last decades big steps have been made on the road to develop and design energy neutral buildings.
Many test methods exist for evaluating gaseous-contaminant filtration media, and a few for evaluating functional filters and other devices. These test methods are designed primarily for use in product quality control and to rank products.
Gas-phase air cleaning methodologies have been considered as an attractive and cost-benefit alternative, and supplement to the traditional ventilation systems securing that air quality in buildings is meeting the prescribed standards.