The 6th AIVC Conference - Ventilation strategies and measurement techniques was held in the Southern Netherlands, 16-19 September 1985.

Contains 32 papers.  

Volume content

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The effects of operating unvented appl i ances and opening windows on indoor pollutant levels and air exchange rates are being studied under the sponsorship of the Gas Research Institute.
Nagda N, Koontz M D, Billick I H
The performance of whole-house mechanical ventilation systems was explored in an full-scale indoor test house (volume 176 m³ ) .
Sandberg M, Blomqvist C
This paper describes a preliminary investigation of the validity of a means of calculating the ventilation rate of a large enclosure from experimental data. It was assumed that the air in the enclosure is not perfectly mixed.
Dewsbury J
A passive ventilation system has been installed in four new houses: it comprises simple ducts which lead up from the kitchen and bathroom to outside near the house ridge and utilise the wind and the temperature difference between inside and outsid
Johnson K A, Gaze A I, Brown D M
Ventilation can be advantageous as opposed to adventitious and, with careful building design, can eliminate the need for air conditioning in summer.
Holmes M J
Several physical phenomena which may contribute to moisture migration from the crawl space to the living spaces in houses are outlined. Results of two projects to monitor moisture migration are presented.
Oldengarm J
The air infiltration component of house ventilation is calculated and discussed in relation to winter space heat losses and rneasures necessary to control moisture.
Bassett M
A Compact Equipment for Survey of Air Renewal (CESAR) was developed at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland.
Scartezzini J-L, Roulet C-A, Jolliet O
Several infiltration models treat the complexity of air flows in multizone buildings, but most of them are written as research tools and are not generally available or user-friendly.
Feustel H E
For more than two years a series of detailed air infiltration measurements have been conducted over the complete yearly weather cycle on two identical side-by-side test houses in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
Harrje D T, Bohac D L, Nagda N L
The R-2000 Super Energy-Efficient Home Program is a cooperative industry/government initiative sponsored by Energy, Mines and Resources Canada (EMR) and delivered by the Canadian Home Builders Association.
Riley M
Air infiltration flows into different zones of a building can be measured with the constant concentration technique by injecting a metered amount of tracer gas t o hold the concentration of the gas constant.
Bohac D L, Harrje D T
Natural ventilation rates in bedrooms at night have been measured in retrofitted apartments. The measurements indicate clearly that air quality in bedrooms may be unacceptable in dwellings with an energy-efficient minimal ventilation rate.
Lundqvist G R
