The 6th AIVC Conference - Ventilation strategies and measurement techniques was held in the Southern Netherlands, 16-19 September 1985.

Contains 32 papers.  

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The R-2000 Super Energy-Efficient Home Program is a cooperative industry/government initiative sponsored by Energy, Mines and Resources Canada (EMR) and delivered by the Canadian Home Builders Association.
Riley M
Air infiltration flows into different zones of a building can be measured with the constant concentration technique by injecting a metered amount of tracer gas t o hold the concentration of the gas constant.
Bohac D L, Harrje D T
Natural ventilation rates in bedrooms at night have been measured in retrofitted apartments. The measurements indicate clearly that air quality in bedrooms may be unacceptable in dwellings with an energy-efficient minimal ventilation rate.
Lundqvist G R
The increasing awareness that indoor air quality aspects may restrict energy conservation by infiltration and ventilation measures has led to extensive investigations of different ventilation strategies.
Trepte L
In this paper ventilation of attics and crawl-spaces is investigated theoretically. Ventilation rates and temperatures of the spaces are calculated by means of flow balance procedures.
Kronvall J
Pacific Power and Light Company and Battelle PNW Laboratories have completed a project which investigated residential ventilation rates.
Zerba D A, Parker G B
It is often stated that advanced ventilation or air conditioning is expensive or energy-wasting. There are, however, several examples of highly energy-efficient air conditioning systems in industrial, commercial and public buildings.
Railio J
Reviews the papers on air infiltration and ventilation research presented at the ASHRAE annual meeting held in Honolulu, Hawaii, in June 1985.
Sherman M
The multiple tracer gas technique developed at UMIST has been applied to the measurement of roof-space ventilation rates and house to roof-space air movement, for various types and combinations of roof-space ventilation.
Edwards R E, Irwin C
This paper discusses the indoor formaldehyde levels in two groups of houses.
Figley D A
The various meanings of ventilation efficiency are briefly summarised.
Dickson D J
The effects of operating unvented appl i ances and opening windows on indoor pollutant levels and air exchange rates are being studied under the sponsorship of the Gas Research Institute.
Nagda N, Koontz M D, Billick I H
The performance of whole-house mechanical ventilation systems was explored in an full-scale indoor test house (volume 176 m³ ) .
Sandberg M, Blomqvist C
