Twenty three papers from the ninth AIVC Conference, titles as follows: Keynote speech: Air Infiltration and Ventilation; Natural airflows between roof, subfloor and living spaces; Experimental analysis of air diffusion in large space; Determinatio
9th AIVC Conference - Gent, Belgium - 12-15 September 1988
The 9th AIVC Conference - Effective ventilation, was held in Gent, Belgium, 12-15 September 1988.
Contains 44 papers.
Volume content
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly the National Bureau of Standards) has through an interagency agreement with the Public Building Service of the General Services Administration performed an evaluation of the thermal and
The ventilation and leakage characteristics of suspended floors are not well documented.
Extended testing of a multi-family building using constant concentration and PFT methods. | 1988 | English
More than two months of detailed test data have been gathered using modified constant concentration tracer gas techniques for a six-storey, 60 apartment, multi-family building.
Application of mathematical modelling to the evaluation of building ventilation systems. | 1988 | English
Numerical modelling is performed for three-dimensional turbulent buoyant flows emerging from an air diffuser in an air-conditioned, ventilated room.
Experimental investigations concerning energy savings achieved in buildings with passive solar components (e.g. large south-front windows, sunspaces or Trombe walls) have already been effected under test conditions.
Air quality and draught avoidance are fairly important to office staff; consequently, the occupant's perspective should be taken into account when assessing the relative merits of different methods of ventilation in office buildings.
General background to the conference.
In this paper a short term testing methodology is developed to evaluate the performance of ventilation systems with respect to control of indoor air pollutants.
Recirculation of air in dwellings. Differences in concentration between rooms in dwellings due to the ventilation system. | 1988 | English
The Dutch Standard NEN 1087 "Ventilation of dwellings": Requirements (1) is at this moment under review. A requirement can be found about the quality of air. In fact a statement is made that outside air is required as fresh air for bedrooms.
Ventilation produced by fluctuating pressure differences across a building appears to have received little attention . Such fluctuations are produced by gustiness of the wind or turbulence in the flow around a building.
This paper describes a two-dimensional numerical study, by finite-volume method of buoyancy-driven flow in a half-scale model of a stairwell.
The project is aimed to develop the quantitative method of visualization of the air steams in application to the indoor problems of heauilg , ventilating and air conditioning.
The influence of a controlled natural ventilation on the indoor radon decay products concentration: a case study. | 1988 | English
Air exchange rates in occupied buildings are difficult to assess due to their dependence on a multitude of climatic parameters and inhabitant behaviour.
This paper is concerned with natural air flows between major construction cavities in New Zealand houses.
Numerical simulation of indoor turbulent air flows caused by cross-ventilation and its model experiments. | 1988 | English
Since thermal comfort on human body is influenced by the local air flow speed, it is needed to estimate the distribution of air flow speed in a room for the "effective ventilation".
The paper presents the development of a ventilation scheme for a large bus station and passenger interchange in Bilbao, Spain.
Analysis of errors for a fan-pressurization technique for measuring interzonal air leakage. | 1988 | English
The problem of predicting air flows in a multi-zone building has received considerable attention in the past ten years.
To avoid the shortcomings and problems that occur in today's ventilation systems a ventilation concept for future dwelling-houses is under development. The concept responds to the way of living and building in the future.
Zone to zone tracer gas measurements; laboratory calibration and values of air flows up and down stairs in houses. | 1988 | English
This work is concerned with measuring air flows between the floors of houses. A simple measuring technique is described in which two portable SF6 systems were employed. The design and construction of the portable system are presented.