PowerDOE, a new, PC-based building energy performance simulation tool, combines the full capabilities of DOE-2.IE with an easy-to-use, flexible WindowsTM graphical user interfáce (GUI).
IBPSA 1995- Madison, USA
International Building Simulation Conference Madison, USA, 1995.
Contains 93 papers.
Volume content
The heat balance loads calculator : a windows-based program for calculating heating and cooling loads for buildings | 1995 | English
The Heat Balance Loads Calculator (HBLC) is a powerful software tool for calculating heating and cooling loads for buildings. It allows the user to access complex heat-balance algorithms using a Windows interface.
The volume of annual, monthly, and hourly simulation output developed by building simulation packages such as DOE-2.1 presents the building modeler with significant challenges.
Software description for ener-win: a visual interface model for hourly energy simulation in buildings | 1995 | English
Using the Visual Basic development tool kit, the authors have developed a highly interactive graphical interfáce to an hourly energy simulation model for estimating annual energy consumption in buildings. The software, named ENER-WIN, features an
Modern, Message-Based operating systems with Graphic User Interfáces have spurred tremendous advances in software development.
The development of an intelligent, integrated building design system within the european combine project | 1995 | English
There are two main issues to be resolved in order that design tools can be used in cooperative mode, each communicating with the other.
This paper reports on a project carried out at Delft University of Technology, for improvement of daylightíng simulation tools.
The objective of this paper is to present an overview of the latest developrnents of the CSTB R&D program Intelligent Simulation Environment (ISE).
Numerical modelling of air flows in buildings and design of a data base of experiments | 1995 | English
During the recent years a lot of models describing air flows in buildings have been designed by Researchers. These models, which are based more or less on simplified approaches coming from fluid dynamics, share a high complexity level because of c
Teaching building simulation with the help of general purpose dynamical modeling software | 1995 | English
Learning how to model and simulate dynamical systems such as a building does not have to be restricted to specialists who have learned the physics, applied mathematics, and engineering necessary for the task.
Simulation of dynamic moisture transport processes in building structures under varying conditions re- the solution of the partial differential equations of coupled moisture and heat transport. Our research focuses on the moisture transport equati
Thermal bridge (cold bridge) assessment is becoming more important for two reasons: firstly, as legislation and energy awareness lead to increased insulation levels, so losses due to cold bridging form an increasing fraction of building heat losse
The fundamentals of a probabilistic approximation in thermal buildings analysis is here briefly presented.
As introduced in a paper in Building Simulation '93, the training of users; of simulation based thermal performance assessment tools is central to the efficacy of such tools within professional practice.
The implementation of a computational fluid dynamics algorithm within the ESP-r system | 1995 | English
This paper describes the implementation of a computational fluid dynamic algorithm within the ESP-r building energy modelling system.
Visualize-ITTM is a visual data analysis tool kit. RLW Analytics has developed a number of specific data visualization tools for the study of the total load and end-use data produced by the DOE 2.1 building simulation package.
Three computer programs have been developed for use in assessing solar heat gain through windows in buildings. SUNSPEC calculates the direct beam and diffuse sky solar spectral and broadband irradiances incident on an arbitrarily oriented plane, f
In this paper a new procedure of determining the thermal resistance and the thermal capacity of multilayer walls is described. Its feature is the simulation of the thermal behaviour of the wall with subsequent parameter identification.
Previous work has shown that for saturated air/water vapour mixtures, water vapour transfer in cavities can cause very large increases in net energy transfer due to its effect on natural convection.
This paper introduces a new approach towards the assessment of thermal building performance. As a specific aspect of overall building performance, thermal comfort performance is examined in detail. Two issues have been addressed.