During the academic year 95-96 an NMF based model library has been developed by the IDA group.
IBPSA 1997 - Prague, Czech Republic
International Building Simulation Conference 1997, Prague, Czech Republic.
Contains 117 papers.
Volume content
A systematic method for hygrothermal analysis of building constructions using computer models | 1997 | English
The design of a naturally ventilated atrium was assessed using both wind tunnel and CFD methods to appraise and modify the response of the system to wind forces.
In this paper ongoing work using the computer algebra system Maple V and the object-based environment Spark is presented, that aim at the an alytical approximate resolution of problems encountered in air flows in dwelling zones, using computer
A substructuring approach to 3D conduction probelms: aplications to buildings' components | 1997 | English
The present paper describes how the use of a modal synthesis method in the study of the thermal behaviour of buildings both facilitates and hastes the modelling step concerning the problem of linear conduction in multidimensional components.
A comparison is made between two thermal simulation modelling programs with particular reference to HVAC plant modelling.
The IMAGE project aims to generate new performance information for advanced glazing and identify opportunities for applications.
A randomised approach to multiple regression analysis of building energy simulation | 1997 | English
Multiple regression analysis (MRA) is useful for developing energy prediction equations from the results of building energy simulation.
The use of daylighting and artificial lighting simulation programs to calculate complex systems and models in the design practice often is impeded by the fact that the operation of these programs, especially the model input, is extremely complicat
A new system for accessing transfer function coefficients for an architectural computer-aided thermal optimization tool | 1997 | English
A new system for accessing wall and roof transfer function coefficients has been developed.
A user-friendly tool for the integrated simulation of building HVAC control performance | 1997 | English
Full simulation of a building’s HVAC control is important. Good control is the most cost-effective way to reduce plant size and save energy and maintenance cost.
A fuzzy control adapted by a neural network to maintan a dwelling within thermal comfort | 1997 | English
This paper presents the results of a neuro fuzzy control setting the fan-coils air flow rate of three zones of a dwelling to improve the comfort.
An inverse model to predict and evaluate the energy performance of large commercial and institucional buildings | 1997 | English
A new method for predicting and evaluating the energy performance of large commercial and institutional buildings is developed, as an alternative to using existing comprehensive energy simulation programs like DOE-2 and BLAST, or oversimplified to
Much of the current building simulation research and development concentrates on improving user interfaces to simulation “engines”. The goal seems to be to make the software easier to use. This begs two questions: what interface to use?
A comparative validation based certification test for home energy rating system software | 1997 | English
This paper summarizes a two volume National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) report entitled "Home Energy Rating System Building Energy Simulation Test (HERS BESTEST)" (Judkoff and Neymark, 1995a).
This paper describes the contents of an application manual for building energy and environmental software to be published in the UK.
A study on the thermal performance simulation to evaluate the prefabricated radiant floor heating panels | 1997 | English
Computer models used for analyzing heat transfer have been developed and computerized for the precise thermal analysis of two typical prefabricated radiant floor heating panels.