International Building Simulation Conference 1999, Kyoto, Japan.

Contains 177 papers

Volume content

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the capabilities of four energy analysis software to predict the energy performance of an existing house. The discussion covers: (i) the modelling-related issues, and (ii) the impact of modelling accuracy
R. Zmeureanu, J. Brau L. Bernard, Y. Vlym, F. Mordel, F. Timores
This paper presents the process followed for defining the features of the next-generation HOT2000 simulator, and the conclusions drawn at the workshops, concerning the most appropriate modelling approaches.
Debra Haltrecht, Radu Zmeureanu and I. Beausoleil-Morrison
The potential of building energy simulation is now well recognised and the use of the technology by progressive energy sector companies is growing. The success of any building performance assessment hinges on the capabilities of the tool, the coll
McElroy L B, Clarke J A
Xiangyang Chen, Yingxin Zhu, Nobuo Nakahara
For effective energy use and level off electricity demand throughout the day, thermal energy storage system is getting popular in HVAC systems in Japan. Load profile prediction can provide information to plan optimal operation, and now, various pr
Tadahiko Matsuba, Hiroaki Tsutsui and Kazuyuki Kamimura
Simplified equations are established to estimate the energy consumption for the heating and cooling of residences, with the coefficients like air-conditioning area rate,  air-conditioning-hour rate,  etc..
Qingyuan Zhang, Kenji Asano, Hajime Imai, Tetsuo Hayashi, Yang Hong-Xing
This  paper   describes   the   methodology  and   the implementation of DEST, which is a simulation software developed to help the designer during design process. For each design phase, DEST provides corresponding method and program.
Chen Feng and Jiang Yi
This paper describes a simulation based method for the integrated performance appraisal of buildings incorporating daylight utilisation technologies.
Milan Janak and Iain Macdonald
The experiments involving clothed subjects are conducted to reproduce the situation in which people enter an air-conditioned room just after sweating, and analyzed using a combined model, which consists of two-node model for thermophysiological re
Satoru Takada, Shuichi Hokoi, Naoki Kawakami and Masanori Kudo
IDA Indoor Climate and Energy is a recently developed tool for building performance modelling and simulation. It represents a new generation of BPM software in several ways.
Niclas Björsell, Axel Bring, Lars Eriksson, Pavel Grozman, Magnus Lindgren, Per Sahlin, Alexander Shapovalov, Mika Vuolle
This paper explains the development of a dedicated configuration tool for the HVACSIM+ simulation environment. This computer-based tool eases configuration by exploiting a visual metaphor of a simulation subject.
Yosuke Nishi, Xiangyang Chen, Nobuo Nakahara
With the advent of the computing age, heat balance based techniques for simulating thermal loads in buildings became a reality for architects and engineers.
Richard Strand, Fred Winkelmann, Fred Buhl,Joe Huang, Richard Liesen, Curtis Pedersen, Daniel Fisher, Russell Taylor, Drury Crawley, Linda Lawrie
Many recent, moisture-originated failures in  low-rise residential and  high-rise residential/commercial buildings have put a significant pressure to change construction codes in North America and Europe.
Achilles Karagiozis, Mikael Salonvaara
This paper proposes a dynamic optimization technique for building heating and cooling systems. The proposed algorithm returns trajectories for space temperature setpoints throughout a specified period that will minimize objective functions such as
Tatsuo Nagai
The paper describes the development of a su pervisory control scheme that adapts to the presence of degradation faults and  minimises any resulting increase in energy consumption or deterioration  in  occupant  comfort   Since  there is a high deg
Xiong Fu Liu and Arthur Dexter
The objective of the work presented in this paper is to develop a building performance assessment tool that will assist the design process rather than be aimed at giving endorsement to a completed design. he paper discusses the concepts behind the
Veronica I. Soebarto and T. J. Williamson
EESLISM is a tool developed to simulate the whole energy system consisting of both building thermal system and mechanical system for heating and cooling and domestic hot water supply.
Mitsuhiro Udagawa, Makoto Sato
In the framework of a collaboration between EDF and CSTB, we carried out a specific experimental protocol in Bouin house (CSTB site, house completely dedicated for infiltration and air change measurement) with different configurations to study the
G. Guyon, P. Girault, S. Delille, D. Hoareau, J. Villain
Currently used design tools for kitchen design are often complicated, have poor interfaces and limited capabilities to exchange data between different applications.
Tuomas Laine
This research is aimed to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) in the building by using the expert system (ES) based on the artificial intelligence (AI). The diagnosis tool of IAQ and ventilation design tool corresponding to 9 kinds of pollutants were
Shin-ya Sato, Hiroshi Kobayashi and Yasuo Utsumi
