International Building Simulation Conference 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Contains 153 papers

Volume content

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Computer models used to predict building heating and cooling energy and occupant thermal comfort at present rely on climate data collected at a remote meteorological station.
Terry J. Williamson1 and Evyatar Erel
A adaptive controller was devised and implemented within the ESP-r simulation program to support the conflation of CFD with dynamic whole-building thermal simulation.
Ian Beausoleil-Morrison
The    application    of    model-based    performance assessment at the whole building level is explored.
Philip Haves, Tim Salsbury, David Claridge, Mingsheng Liu
In low energy dwellings the ventilation heat losses are significant. Reducing this heat losses can be done by introducing demand controlled ventilation i.e.
J.C. Römer
This  paper  discusses  the  use  of  multiple  building performance simulation tools to support the design of a state-of-the-art intelligent library building in Singapore.
Khee Poh Lam, Nyuk Hien Wong and Sekhar Chandra
This work deals with the use of the thermal simulation COMFIE tool, in the research project developed at Londrina State University / PR.
Miriam J. Barbosa, Juliano Sakamoto, Andrea Zeballos Adachi, Jorge D. de Melo Moura
Building   Integrated   Photovoltaic   (BIPV)   system implementation is on the rise worldwide. A computer modeling tool was developed to predict BIPV system power generation in commercial buildings.
David Pruitt
This paper describes novel high-performance visualization techniques for reviewing time dependent data common to building simulation.
Daniel C.Glaser, M. Susan Ubbelohde
Energy  simulation  (ES)  and  computational  fluid dynamics (CFD) can play important roles in building design by providing complementary information about the buildings’ environmental performance.
Zhiqiang Zhai, Qingyan Chen, Joseph H. Klems and Philip Haves
In civil engineering there is an increasing demand for calculation methods to assess the moisture behaviour of building components.
Andreas Holm and Hartwig M. Kuenzel
Energy  savings  from  the  use  of  daylighting  in commercial buildings are realized through implementation of photoelectric lighting controls that dim electric lights when sufficient daylight is available to provide  adequate workplane illumina
Charles Ehrlich, Konstantinos Papamichael, Judy Lai, Kenneth Revzan
When modernist architecture in the tropics started in the 30´of the 20th century, air-conditioning systems and special glazing were not yet available.
Michael Laar
In the paper, based on MS Thesis by Richtr, 2000, the authors describe CFD modeling of a computer room with regard to thermal comfort of workers.
Jan Richtr, Jaroslav Katolicky, Miroslav Jicha
The HVAC BESTEST has been developed within the framework of the IEA (International Energy Agency) It is a comparative test method developed for estimating the ability of whole building simulation programs to model the performance of unitary space
Sabine Hayez, Christophe Dalibart, Gilles Guyon, Jean Feburie
Heat stress associated with extreme temperatures and relative humidity has been shown to reduce the productivity  from  swine  facilities,  especially breeding facilities.
R. S. Gates, J. M. Zulovich, L. Turner, J. Wurm, M. F. G. Johnson
This   work   regards   the   development   and   the validation a simplified model for building cooling energy requirement.
M. Beccali, L. Mazzarella, M. Motta
The  paper  presents  a  dynamic  approach  of  the validation process of existing building simulation model.
Roberge Marc-Antoine, Kajl Stanislaw, Bellemare René
Most photovoltaic (PV) facades are built as curtain facades in front of thermally insulated buildings with air ducts in between.
Stefan Krauter, Mohammed J. Salhi, Sandra Schroer, Rolf Hanitsch
