International Building Simulation Conference 2001, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Contains 153 papers

Volume content

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Computational performance-based building design support faces a conflict. It is important to provide building performance feed back to the designer as early as possible in the design process.
R. Brahme , A. Mahdavi, K.P. Lam , S. Gupta
The application of building simulation for the thermal improvement of buildings in developing countries is limited by the scarcity of hourly climate data and test reference years.
Ernst Müller
This paper presents the results from the experimental and numerical study of a room with mixing ventilation, focused on the local mean age of air (LMA). The measurements were performed using the tracer gas concentration decay method.
M. Bartak, M. Cermak, J.A. Clarke, J. Denev, F. Drkal, M. Lain, I. A. Macdonald, M. Majer, P. Stankov
This paper gives an overview about the use of building simulation in Switzerland. It focuses 4 different areas:
Gerhard Zweifel, Matthias Achermann and Markus Duerig
Due to in adequate architectural standards and bad building design, one can frequently find school buildings with very bad performance regarding energy efficiency.
Leonardo Bittencourt and Mariana Melo
There is a need for Dutch design support tools for building services that can be used in early design stages. TNO Building and Construction Research has therefore initiated the research project described here.
Ellie de Groot, Wim Maassen and Wim Plokker
The paper describes the main features of the new simulation environment ColSim [15] and a special application for investigating ventilation strategies in buildings.
Christof Wittwer, Werner Hube, Peter Schossig, Andreas Wagner, Christiane Kettner, Max Mertins, Klaus Rittenhofer
The control industry integrates more and more recent innovations, especially on the  sector  of communication networks (bus), control (fuzzy logic, neural networks…)  and  informatic  (hard-and software) for the development of  Building Management
P. Riederer, H. Vaezi-Nejad, A. Husaunndee, F. Bruyat
A. Suleiman, Y. Le Maoult, J.P. Arcens, A. Trombe
This study aims to develop a simplified estimation method of the thermal design load and space radiant environment in order to achieve adequate and economical HVAC equipment sizing and confirmation of thermal comfort.
Kimiko Kohri
Little work has been done on the closed loop response of refrigeration plant using the new chlorine-free refrigerants.
C P Underwood
New calculation procedures for calculating conduction heat transfer for foundations are described. These procedures are first validated and then implemented within EnergyPlus source code (beta version 5.0).
Moncef Krarti, Pirawas Chuangchid, and Pyeongchan Ihm
This study aims to develop a simplified estimation method of the thermal design load and space radiant environment in order to achieve adequate and economical HVAC equipment sizing and confirmation of thermal comfort.
The paper describes new improvements in SOLENE, a set of numerical models for the simulation of natural light in both the urban morphologies and the indoor architectural spaces which is developed in our laboratory.
Francis Miguet and Dominique Groleau
Classical building simulators are typically based on global systems of differential equations that model the physical reality and are numerically solved at runtime. In this paper we propose a new approach.
Gerhard Zimmermann
Building geometry is essential to any simulation of building performance. This paper examines from the users’ point of view the importing of building geometry into simulation of energy performance.
Vladimir Bazjanac
The aim of this work is to present a computer application that was developed to be a user-friendly interface that simplifies the manipulation of weather data files.
Eduardo Breviglieri Pereira de Castro
The paper discusses the technical features of the physically based computer simulation/visualization techniques for architectural lighting research. Potentials and limitations are evaluated in terms of input, algorithms, output, and analysis tools
Mehlika N. Inanici
Physical and computational simulations have been combined within a unique framework for the aim of establishing a methodology for micro-level building thermal analysis.
Ruchi Choudhary and Ali Malkawi
