The design for the new Federal Building for San Francisco includes an office tower that is to be naturally ventilated.
IBPSA 2003 - Eindhoven, Netherlands
International Building Simulation Conference 2003, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Contains 190 papers.
Volume content
Design and testing of a control strategies for a large, naturally ventilated office building | 2003 | English
Analysis of the typical meteorological year (TMY) of cyprus and house load simulation | 2003 | English
The objective of this paper is to present an analysis of the weather data contained in a Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) and observe the effect of these data on the simulated load of a typical building.
This paper describes a new software application for analysing climate data. It is argued that the produced graphical charts can be useful concept stage design tools in their own right.
This paper summarizes a PhD project that is currently under completion at Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Building Physics Group.
Development of base efficiencies in building environment simulation for building simulation 2003 conference | 2003 | English
A set of geometry translation tools and capabilities have been developed to increase base efficiencies in the simulation of both the internal and external environment of buildings.
This paper presents the concept of a tool adapted to zonal models and devoted to the simulation of thermal dynamic phenomena in buildings.
Defining the performance of the double skin façade with the use of simulation model | 2003 | English
The objective of this paper is to model the double skin façade in order to determine the thermal and flow performance and to find out how the façade should be combined with the HVAC system inside of the building.
A simulation methodology has been created for establishing the impact of increasing the insulation of the building envelope upon its global thermal performance and annual energy consumption (heating plus cooling).
When making design decisions, which can impact on building capital cost and performance, the design team has to be confident that the simulation tool is generating reliable output. Confidence can be gained via several mechanisms.
Comparison of the acoustical performance of mosque geometry using computer model studies | 2003 | English
Speech intelligibility is a major concern in mosque acoustical design. Diverse mosque geometric configurations exist varying from the classical rectangle to the octagon-shaped plan.
With the advancement of technology, and with the widespread availability of simulation tools, we are forced to consider which simulation tool would be appropriate for a particular problem.
We introduce a representation framework that is aimed at supporting performance analysis during schematic and detailed design.
Coupling building simulation with agent simulation for exploration to environmentally symbiotic architecture | 2003 | English
A method of simulating the interaction between an architectural environment and human action in the environment is described.
An energy-saving office façade adaptable to outside weather conditions in the Netherlands | 2003 | English
In order to reduce the environmental load (energy and materials) of buildings, a study was undertaken to develop and assess solutions for a dynamic, weather and daytime adaptable office façade. The following steps have been taken:
Certain energy-related building standards make use of simple numeric indicators to describe a building's geometric compactness. Typically, such indicators make use of the relation between the volume of a built form and its surface area.
Determining the feasibility of cogeneration using doe-2.1E for teh John G. Shedd aquarium and oceanarium | 2003 | English
The Energy Resources Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago conducted an energy assessment of the John G. Shedd Aquarium and Oceanarium to increase the energy efficiency of the facility, while decreasing the operating costs.
Applying computacional simulation results to the development of a design method for daylighting design and regulation in high-density cities | 2003 | English
Daylight design for “extremely” obstructed urban environment is a relatively uncharted area of study. No city in the world has an urban density as high as Hong Kong. Designing daylight in the territory is a critical and important study.
Comparison of a generalized pattern search and a genetic algorithm optimization method | 2003 | English
Building and HVAC system design can significantly improve if numerical optimization is used. However, if a cost function that is smooth in the design parameter is evaluated by a building energy simulation program, it usually becomes replaced with
The necessity of focus on more large integration of passive concepts for indoor climate conditioning is today a reality.
Air conditioning system operation strategies for intermittent occupancy buildings in a hot-humid climate | 2003 | English
For many buildings, continuous operation of the air conditioning system is not necessary for achieving thermal comfort during the occupied periods. Depending on the building's thermal and operational characteristics the air conditioning system may