International Building Simulation Conference 2005, Montreal, Canada.

Contains 180 papers.

Volume content

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An optimal controller for auxiliary heating of passive solar buildings and commercial buildings with high internal gains is tested in simulation.
Michaël Kummert and Philippe André
This paper critically examines the use of Analytic Target Cascading as a multi-level, hierarchical design optimization model for formulating simulation-based design tasks in architecture.
Ruchi Choudhary, P.Y. Papalambros, Ali M. Malkawi
This research investigated the influence of three layouts of operating rooms on the indoor environment control, on thermal comfort and on energy consumption. It was used the EnergyPlus software. The parameters of the environment were described in
M A Melhado, P O Beyer, J M Hensen, L F G Siqueira
The hygrothermal environment of the Japanese traditional house constructed by wet process with clay wall and the recent house constructed with industrial building materials are estimated through the interrelated simulation of heat and moisture tra
Akihito Ozaki and Tatsunori Tsujimaru
This paper describes a new data set appropriate for empirical validation of whole-building energy simulation software.
J. Neymark, P. Girault, G. Guyon, R. Judkoff, R. LeBerre, J. Ojalvo, P. Reimer
This paper presents two DOE-2 functions to expand the modeling capability of DOE-2.1E, a popular calculation engine for building energy simulations. The first function models sensible and total heat recovery between outside air and exhaust air, wi
Tianzhen Hong, Charles Eley, and Erik Kolderup
Tall buildings pose unique challenges for simulation software and modelers. Environmental factors such as air temperature and wind speed change with altitude.
Peter G. Ellis and Paul A. Torcellini
Heating Canadian homes is an energy intensive endeavour. Factors such as the northerly climate and dispersed population cannot be avoided but inefficiencies with heating system design can.
J. Good, V.I. Ugursal , and A. Fung
This paper investigates the robustness of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) search method in solving an unconstrained building optimization problem, when the number of building simulations used by the optimization is restricted.
Jonathan Wright, and Ali Alajmi
Dynamic, three-dimensional models of existing facilities that are updated automatically based on data provided by advanced sensing technologies appear increasingly feasible.
Georg Suter, Oguz Icoglu, Ardeshir Mahdavi and Bojana Spasojevic
This paper analyses the office demand connected to the use of different dynamic window and lighting control systems with the aim to optimize their usage aspects and characteristics from both visual and energy efficiency viewpoints.
Franco Gugliermetti, Fabio Bisegna
We present a framework for the specification of building performance simulation output results. Toward this end, we describe a simulation output space, whose primary dimensions include scalar and vector attributes, spatial destination, temporal de
Ardeshir Mahdavi, Julia Bachinger, Georg Suter
A simplified optimization process (SOP) for determining set points is proposed and evaluated using the monitoring data and model of an existing VAV system.
Nabil Nassif, Stanislaw Kajl, and Robert Sabourin
The following paper is focused on the effects of the combined water vapour transport caused by diffusion and convection.
Zbynek Svoboda
An 'active façade' responds to (and anticipates on) changing indoor and outdoor conditions.
F.G.H. Koene, E.J. Bakker
In recent years, indoor humidity levels are gaining greater attention in building design and operation, due to the increasing concern over moisture-related problems, such as mold growth, indoor air quality and discomfort of the occupants.
Khee Poh Lam, Stephen R. Lee, Gregory M. Dobbs and Chaoqin Zhai
An Excel macro-programming model of the thermal behaviour of open and enclosed swimming pools is run in seven different scenarios of increasing complexity.
José L. Duomarco, Miguel Pérez Magnou
This paper describes the use of simulations to support the renovation process of a monastery, that is listed as an historic building and is being re-used as an office building.
Laure Itard, Hans Boender, Wiebe Zoon
The introduction of EU directives 2002/91/EC and 2003/87/EC both prompt a reduction in energy consumption from European buildings. Buildings account for 50% of European energy use.
 James O'Donnell, Elmer Morrissey, Marcus Keane, Brian O' Gallachoir, Vladimir Bazjanac,
This article aims at a better understanding of how decisions are taken to improve energy performance of office buildings in warm climates and why energy tools are not popular among the architects.
Aldomar Pedrini, Steven Szokolay
