International Building Simulation Conference 2005, Montreal, Canada.

Contains 180 papers.

Volume content

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Different heating system controllers for passive solar buildings are compared on two different buildings. The performance criterion combines energy performance and thermal comfort using the "cost function" paradigm.
Michaël Kummert, Philippe André, Athanassios A. Argiriou
The paper deals with the computational simulations of the performance of the hybrid ventilation system for the moderate climate, which was developed within the framework of the RESHYVENT project. The main goal of the simulations was to investigate
Pavel Charvat, Miroslav Jicha, Aikaterini Niachou and Mat Santamouris
This paper discusses the modification and testing of an existing dynamic thermal model to include the calculation of the effects of glazing and shading options such as slatted blinds.
D.K. Alexander, A. Mylona, and P.J. Jones
The models for photovoltaic (PV) systems currently in ESP-r prove very useful in estimating the electrical and thermal impact of building-integrated photovoltaics.
Didier Thevenard
This paper discusses an experience of teaching building simulation to students in a small class of a Masters program in an architecture school. This was a course in assessing building performance using an hourly thermal simulation program.
Veronica I Soebarto
Building simulation tools (energy, lighting, plant simulation, CFD, etc) have long been the preserve of a few specialist consultancies rather than being used where they can have the greatest impact - by construction design practices.
Iain A Macdonald, Lori B McElroy, Jon W Hand, Joe A Clarke
In this paper, the mathematical model of a HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning) equipment is described.
Paulo Rogerio Novak, Nathan Mendes, and Gustavo H. C. Oliveira
This paper explores means for more effectively exploiting daylight in buildings through extending periods of illumination free of glare problems. The key concept is to quantify and examine the impact of selected design parameters, e.g.
Mohamed Kassab, James A. Love
This paper complements a previous publication in the Building Simulation Conference series by identifying where perceptualization techniques can improve data presentation and assist with the interpretation of the underlying performance message.
Prazeres L and Clarke J A
Significant R&D work has been on going in the development of integrated software environments that support building energy simulation.
Barry O’Sullivan, Marcus Keane
Sustainable housing standards are reviewed including the UK 2005 building regulations, the UK Advanced Standard and EU Passive-house Standard. Conflicts between the standards are highlighted.
Paul Tuohy, Lori McElroy, Cameron Johnstone
An optimal controller for auxiliary heating of passive solar buildings and commercial buildings with high internal gains is tested in simulation.
Michaël Kummert and Philippe André
This paper presents the testing of a dynamic on-line whole-building energy calculator.
Julia Purdy, Phylroy Lopez, Kamel Haddad, Alex Ferguson, Stephanie Mombourquette, Paul Wyndham-Wheeler, Shawn Henry
Traditional night cooling control strategies relies on the knowledge of the current situation – indoor and outdoor.
Kim B. Wittchen, Ejvind Løgberg, Søren Pedersen, Rolf Djurtoft, Jesper Thiesen
Controlling humidity to prevent moisture and condensation phenomena is a growing problem for building designers nowadays. Ventilation and air conditioning are common solutions to avoid mold and condensation.
Franck Lucas, Frederic Miranville, Alain Bastide
Horizontal diffuse illuminance and direct illuminance were estimated by measured sky luminance distribution to investigate the consistency among global, diffuse and direct illuminance for a long-term IDMP data in Kyoto, Japan.
Noriko Umemiya, Kiyoaki Iinuma, Toshiaki Nishioka and Ryoji Okura
Among  the  tools  which  serve  to  predict  heat  and mass transfer in a mechanically ventilated room, the CPD is increasingly used .
Frederic Kuznik, Gilles Rusaouen, Raluca Hohota and Nassim Safer
This study is focused on the ground heat pump (GHP) used in heating single-family houses. These systems generate a ground heat depletion which decreases its performances after several years of operation.
Valentin Trillat-Berdal, Bernard Souyri, Gilbert Achard
The paper describes a process that efficiently supports the early building design stage with prototype tools to capture topological floor plan sketches, calculate geometries, explore design alternatives, and generate data for performance simulatio
Gerhard Zimmermann
It is beneficial for the safe and optimal operation of system and energy conservation to find out and eliminate the faults existing in HVAC systems in time. For a large-scale and complex HVAC system, an automatic fault detection and diagnosis syst
Youming Chen, Xiaoli Hao, Juan Zhou, Guoqiang Zhang
